


  就考研英语真题而言,阅读部分所占分值比重。为了帮助各位同学更好地复习,文都教育考研英语老师为大家梳理一下历年真题阅读文章中涉及的要点,包括词汇、短语、长难句以及简单的阅读方法。接下来看一下考研英语历年真题阅读要点之2016-Text 2(一),这篇文章主要探讨了英国各党派对乡村的不同态度。

  For the first time in history more people live in towns than in the country. In Britain this has had a curious result. While polls show Britons rate “the countryside” alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service (NHS) as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.

  curious“古怪的”,也可以表示“好奇的,有求知欲的”;poll“民意测验”;Briton“英国人”;rate as“列入”;alongside“与...一起”;limited“有限的”;political support“政治支持”。

  A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescue stylish houses but to save “the beauty of natural places for everyone forever”. It was specifically to provide city dwellers with spaces for leisure where they could experience “a refreshing air.” Hill’s pressure later led to creation of national parks and green belts. They don’t make countryside any more, and every year concrete consumes more of it. It needs constant guardianship.

  rescue“拯救”,含义同save;stylish“时髦的,现代风格的”;specifically“特别地,明确地”;provide sb. with sth.相当于provide sth. to sb.“为某人提供某物”;city dweller“城市居民”;space for leisure“休闲空间”;refreshing“清新的,提神的”;lead to“导致,引起”;green belt“城市绿化带”;concrete“混凝土”;consume“消耗”;guardianship“保护”。

  At the next election none of the big parties seem likely to endorse this sentiment. The conservatives’ planning reform explicitly gives rural development priority over conservation, even authorising “off-plan” building where local people might object. The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable. Labour likewise wants to discontinue local planning where councils oppose development. The Liberal Democrats are silent. Only Ukip, sensing its chance, has sided with those pleading for a more considered approach to using green land. Its Campaign to Protect Rural England struck terror into many local conservative parties.

  election“选举”;party“党派”;endorse“认可,赞同”;sentiment“情绪”;conservative“保守派”;explicitly“明确地”;priority“优先权”;conservation“保护”;authorise“,批准”;off-plan“计划外的”;object“反对”;concept“概念”;sustainable development“可持续发展”;profitable“有利可图的”;likewise“同样地”;discontinue“停止,中断”;council“理事会,地方议会”;oppose“反对”;Ukip即United Kingdom Independence Party“英国独立党”;side with“支持”;plead for“请求,为...辩护”;considered“深思熟虑的”;strike terror into...“使...感到害怕”。

  以上就是文都教育考研英语老师为大家梳理的2016年Text 2前三段的要点。建议各位同学从复习之初就接触阅读,不断培养语感以及解题能力。同时,词汇和语法的复习也可以结合阅读语境,记忆和掌握效果更佳。毕竟复习时间有限,希望各位同学可以采取简单高效的方法完成复习任务。





