
一 、卢敏热词

1.历史风貌建筑 historical architecture

2.加深双边理解,建立互信,扩大共识 deepen mutual understanding, build mutual trust and expand consensus

3.稳中向好的态势 a steady and upbeat momentum

4.实际控制线 Line of Actual Control

5.医事服务费 medical service fees

6.生产者出厂价格指数 Producer Price Index(PPI)

7.金融工具 financial instruments

8.自助购物 self-help shopping

9.无人超市 unmanned supermarket

10.支付宝账户 Alipay account

11.影子银行 shadow banking

12.房地产泡沫 housing market bubble

13.国有企业高杠杆 high leverage ratio of state-owned enterprises

14.违法违规集资 illegal fund-raising

15.军民融合发展 integrated military and civiliandevelopment

16.云存储 cloud storage

17.多极化 the trends towards multi-polarity

18.社会信息化 the application of information technology in societies

19.在“一带一路”建设框架内合作 cooperation within the “Belt and Road” framework

20.本着彼此包容、守望相助的初心 stay true to our commitment to inclusiveness and mutual assistance

21.对外交往 external interactions

22.国际影响 international profile

23.一项的开创性事业 a pioneering initiative that has no precedent to follow

24.人道主义救援 humanitarian relief

25.打击海盗行动 counter-piracy operation

26.校园招聘 campus recruitment

27.生态保护区 ecological reserve

28.不忘初心、继续前进 start in the first place and keep moving forward

29.暑假补习班 summer tutoring class

30.出国游学 overseas study tours

31.网络谣言 online rumor

32.黑天鹅 black swan

33.灰犀牛 gray/grey rhino

34.招聘网站 job recruitment website

35.外交的优先方向 a diplomatic priority

36.无论国际风云如何变化 No matter how the situation in the world evolves

37.寻求利益契合点和平衡点 seek areas of converging and balanced interests


All countries should be treated equally under international and multilateral rules. Imposing unilateral rules on others is much less advisable than pursuing all-win outcomes.


institutional arrangements incentivizing efficiency and equity

40.故意炒作 deliberately hype up

41.7.0级地震 7.0-magnitude earthquake

42.启动一级应急响应预案 activate level-1 emergency response procedures

43.共享汽车 shared cars

44.艺术特长 artistic talent

45.兴趣班 interest-oriented class


1.震源:epicenter /地震深度:Seismic depth/死亡人数:death toll

2.火星模拟基地:Mars simulation base/天然实验室:natural laboratory

3.共有产权住房:homes with joint property rights

4.共享汽车指导意见:shared cars guideline/汽车分时租赁:short-time vehicle renta

5.共有产权住房:home with joint property rights

6.第三学期:third semester

7.信用评分系统:credit rating system

8.地下色情场所:underground entertainment venues involved in prostitution

9.平民消防员:civilian firefighter/合同制专职消防员:firefighters under contracts

10.家政服务员:domestic workers

11.受污染鸡蛋:contaminated egg

12. 火星模拟基地:Mars simulation base


China will establish the country's first Mars simulation base in Qinghai, the local government said Tuesday.



火星探测器 Mars probe

空间站 space station

空间实验室 space lab

空间科学试验 space science experiment

13.共享汽车:shared cars


Local authorities should ease parking charges, while shopping malls, residential communities and other areas should set aside spaces for shared cars, according to a central government guideline released on Tuesday.



实名登记制度 real-name registration system

网约车服务 online car-hailing service

平行进口车 parallel-import car

充电站 charging station

售后服务 after-service

分享经济 sharing economy

14. 第三学期:third semester


For many Chinese primary and middle school students, the summer holidays are no longer a time to relax, but "a third semester" that is just as busy as the other semesters. This is because many parents require their children to attend extracurricular training classes during the summer holidays.



补习班 cram study session

兴趣班 interest-oriented class

艺术特长 artistic talent

课外培训机构 after-school training agency

夏令营 summer camp

15. 信用评分系统:credit rating system


Tencent Holdings Ltd, the social networking-to-payment conglomerate, is developing a credit-scoring system. This is the company's latest attempt to seize market share from archrival Alibaba Group Holding Ltd in China's lucrative online payment sector.

社交网络支付企业集团腾讯控股有限公司正在开发一种信用评分系统。这是该公司试图在国内利润丰厚的在线支付行业中,从主要竞争对手阿里巴巴集团控股有限公司手里抢夺市场份额的最 新举措。


信誉风险 reputational risk

安全评级 security rating

风险评级 risk rating

信贷危机 credit crisis

16. 受污染鸡蛋:contaminated egg


Dutch investigators arrested two suspects Thursday over Europe's widening tainted egg scandal, as Denmark announced that 20 contaminated tons had been sold there.



健康恐慌 health scare

禁用杀虫剂 prohibited pesticide

禽流感 avian influenza, bird flu

威胁公众健康 threaten public health

器官损伤 organ damage

17. 建军节阅兵:Army Day parade

review (military) parade/troops/the armed forces 阅兵


the People's Liberation Army(PLA)人民解放军

fall on适逢,开始行动,袭击,忽然蓄出来

cutting-edge 先进的

stealth aircraft隐身战斗机

all-terrain vehicles全地形车

radar-and-communication jamming drones雷达干扰无人机和通信干扰无人机

solid-fuel intercontinental missiles固体燃料洲际弹道导弹


18.取消国内长途漫游费:scrap domestic long-distance and roaming charges




small and medium-sized businesses 中小企业

economic driver经济驱动力


roaming fees/charges漫游费

Government Work Report政府工作报告

19.“军装小游戏”:picture yourself in a PLA uniform



coincide with 符合

head shot头部特写

composite n复合材料,合成物adj.复合的,合成的


20.中国人民解放军驻吉布提保障基地:The PLA support base in Djibouti



the Gulf of Aden 亚丁湾

humanitarianism aid人道主义救援

escort mission护航任务

be conducive lo有利于

international commitment国际义务;国际承诺

21.灰犀牛:grey rhino

The term refers to obvious, clearly visible economic problems which get ignored until they start smashing everything.


In China right now, it specifically refers to corporate giants who are big, well-connected and powerful and yet potentially vulnerable too because of how much they’ve borrowed and bought.

在当前的中国,“灰犀牛”特指那些规模庞大、发展成熟、实力雄厚的企业巨头,但由于和购买资产数额巨大而存在 潜在的危险.



risk prevention风险防范

push reforms推进改革

supply-side structural reform供给侧结构改革


22.共有产权住房:home with Joint property rights

More homes with joint property rights between the government and occupiers will come on the market in Beging to bring down prices and meet the needs of local people without a home, the municipal government said Thursday.


按份共有产权 be jointly owned by-in proportion

使用权the right of use

首次购房人first-time homebuyer

投机炒作 fend off speculation

夹心层sandwich class

享有优先权have priority / have a preemptive right to/make....a priority

份额 shares

新北京人new Beijingers

人口净流入net population inflow

调节供需adjust supply and demand

房地产市场泡沫housing market bubble

租赁市场 leasing market, rental market


housing is for accommodation rather than speculation

23.战狼2:Wolf Warriors II

special force特种部队

hit screen登上银幕



veteran n.老兵,退伍军人adj.老兵的,经验丰富的

hit TV series 热播电视剧


mimic 模仿,模拟
