2022考研初试英语科目考试已经结束了,文都考研网及时为大家整理2022考研英语真题及答案解析,希望对各位考生有帮助,本文整理:2022考研英语(一)阅读Text 3的真题和答案解析。



针对英语(一)科目的考试,阅读Text 3则是考研英语常考的科研相关的话题,介绍了艺术家和科学家的合作有利于大众了解科研,以及目前这一领域存在的一些问题。考生结合生活中的外刊阅读积累,不难从考研英语常选外刊文章经常出现的文章思路入手,例如倾向于表达与普遍想法不同的声音、为民众的利益发声、走民主自由道路、走可持续发展道路,为选择正确答案得出有利判断。另外,根据文都教育考研英语各阶段教学讲义中重点强调的做题技巧,比如根据同义复现、题文同序和文章主旨、段落关键词标志和对于出现专有名词、百分比、比较级等选项的处理原则,以及依靠题干和选项作为做题的加速攻略的方法,也不难得到令人满意的结果。阅读Text 3的真题和答案速查、题型分布如下:

31. According to paragraph 1, art-science collaborations have ______.

[A] caught the attention of critics

[B] received favorable responses

[C] promoted academic publishing

[D] sparked heated public disputes

32. The reworked version of The Four Seasons is mentioned to show that ______.

[A] art can offer audiences easy access to science

[B] science can help with the expression of emotions

[C] public participation in science has a promising future

[D] art is effective in facilitating scientific innovations

33. Some artists seem to worry about in the art-science partnership ______.

[A] their role may be underestimated

[B] their reputation may be impaired

[C] their creativity may be inhibited

[D] their work may be misguided

34. What does the author say about CAVS?

[A] It was headed alternately by artists and scientists.

[B] It exemplified valuable art-science alliances.

[C] Its projects aimed at advancing visual studies.

[D] Its founders sought to raise the status of artists.

35. In the last paragraph, the author holds that art- science collaborations ______.

[A] are likely to go beyond public expectations

[B] will intensify interdisciplinary competition

[C] should do more than communicating science.

[D] are becoming more popular than before



31. [B] received favorable responses

32. [A] art can offer audiences easy access to science

33. [A] their role may be underestimated

34. [B] It exemplified valuable art-science alliances.

35. [C] should do more than communicating science




以上就是文都集团为广大考生提供的2022考研英语(一)阅读Text 3的真题和答案解析。最后文都集团祝广大考生一战成硕,金榜题名!