

越来越多的小伙伴选择报考翻译硕士 ,翻译硕士成为了热门考研专业。想要报考翻译硕士的朋友们,单词是学习的基础哦。今天文都考研 小编为大家带来了2020考研:翻译硕士教育类词汇,一起看一下吧。

高考 national college entrance exam

选拔性考试(selective exams)

自主(independent proposition)

学业水平(academic achievements)

公平公正(fair and impartial)

211工程 Project 211

面向21世纪、重点建设100所左右的高等学校和一批重点学科的建设工程(the project of building 100 or so key higher educational institutions and a number of key disciplines for the 21st century)

985工程 Project 985

《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划(Action Plan for Education Rejuvenation for the 21st Century)》

扩招 enrollment expansion

入学率(enrollment rate)

精英教育(elite education)

众化教育(mass education)

保研 postgraduate recommendation

全国研究生入学考试(national postgraduate entrance examination)

提交申请材料(submit application materials)

全面发展(all-round development)

自主招生 independent recruitment

门槛高(high threshold)

低(low pass rate)

高考降分录取(be enrolled at a score lower than a normal enrollment line)留学 overseas study

经济全球化(economic globalization)

世界最 大留学生生源国(the largest origin of international students)

自费留学(self-funded overseas study)

低龄化的趋势(present a low age tendency)

海归(overseas returnee)

高考移民 national college entrance exam migrant

戕害了教育公平(undermine the fairness of education)

教育资源的分配不均(the uneven distribution of educational resources)

游学 overseas study tour

中产阶层的壮大(a growing middle class)

参加海外游学(participate in overseas study tours)

丰富孩子的教育和生活经历(enrich their children's educational and life experiences)

“全球视角”( "global perspectives")

双一流 “Double First-Class” initiative

一流大学建设高校共计42所(42 universities and colleges will be developed into first-class educational institutions)

一流学科建设高校共计95所(95 universities will focus on building their preponderant disciplines into first-rate ones)

若干所大学和一批学科进入世界一流行列(a number of universities and disciplines are developed into world-class ones)

若干学科进入世界一流学科前列(a number of disciplines are in the leading position among world-class disciplines)

一流大学和一流学科的数量和实力进入世界前列(the number and capability of first-class universities and disciplines ranks among the best in the world)

基本建成高等教育强国(make China an international higher education power







