考研英语二真题复习:2016阅读理解Part A Text 1答案


2020考研英语临考在即,文都考研小编给大家整理了考研英语二真题答案,本篇内容是2016年考研英语二阅读理解Part A Text 1真题答案,咱们来一点一点来进行分析,希望大家能够吃透悟透,学以致用。


Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Directions:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions after each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)

2016年考研英语二真题:阅读理解Part A Text 1

21. Cortina holds that early exposure to computer science makes it easier to____.

A. complete future job training

B. remodel the way of thinking

C. formulate logical hypotheses

D. perfect artwork production

根据题干Cortina定位在第二段。典型的欲扬先抑,首段说coding classs不重要arent essential, 第二段引出中心Cortina认为较早的接触电脑是有益的beneficial,紧接着具体说明好处在于,他们就学习了电脑知识就懂得如何去开发手机应用程序,创作艺术,或者验证假设。答案关键句在于第三句的比较:It’s not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students.对于他们来说与大孩子相比,改变思维并不难。综上所述,[B]remodel the way of thinking是对原文“transform their thought”的同义改写。对比处为命 题点。


22. In delivering lessons for high-schoolers, Flatiron has considered their____.

A. experience

B. academic backgrounds

C. career prospects

D. interest

根据题干“in delivering lessons for high-schoolers”、“Flatiron ”,定位到第四段。其中deliver是gear的同义改写。Lesson是curriculum的同义改写。The high-schoolers get the same curriculum, but “we try to gear lessons toward things they’re interested in”(高中生们上同样的课程,但是“我们力图以他们的兴趣来调整课程”),说明该校开设课程是主要考虑到“学生的兴趣”,故选[B] interest。


23. Deborah Seehorn believes that the skills learned at Flatiron will____.

A. help students learn other computer languages

B. have to be upgraded when new technologies come

C. need improving when students look for jobs

D. enable students to make big quick money

根据Deborah Seehorn 定位到文章第五段最后一句But the skills they learn —..... — apply to any coding language,。他们所学的技能......可以应用到任何编码语言中去。选项[A]help首先体现了文章主体感情色彩beneficial,computer languages对应 coding language。


24. According to the last paragraph, Flatiron students are expected to____.

A. compete with a future army of programmers

B. stay longer in the information technology industry

C. become better prepared for the digitalized world

D. bring forth innovative computer technologies

根据题干关键词“the last paragraph”回文定位在最后一段。最后一段句指出Flatiron的学生不会全都进入IT界。因此马上可以排除A. compete with a future army of programmers和B. stay longer in the information technology industry(都在谈IT行业)第三句进一步指出这些学生将会一生“被电脑包围”(对应the digitalized world),第四句继续表明态度,越早学习电脑思维方式越好(且又一次进行比较the earlier the better),[C] become better prepared for the digitalized world是对上述内容的概况总结。


25. The word “coax” (Line4, Para.6) is closest in meaning to____.

A. challenge

B. persuade

C. frighten

D. misguide

根据题干关键信息“coax”(Line 4, Para.6),定位到最后一段第四行how to coax the machine into producing what they want本文通篇态度明确,对电脑级相关知识都是强烈的正面态度,只有A选项(“劝说,劝诱”)带入后符合中心思想:其他选项;[B] frighten“吓唬,使惊吓”[C] misguide“误导”,都是明显负面感情色彩,故排除;[D] challenge“挑战”,即“挑战电脑去生产他们想要的”,与A比较后顺利排除。





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