When you buy a supply of Forgo's new liquid handwash, you won't get a single-use plastic bottle, justa small envelope.
But if you tear open the paper sachet, pour thepowder inside into a reusable bottle, add tap water,and shake, you'll have foaming hand wash in lessthan a minute.
Forgo is an in-house project from the Stockholm-based design studio Form Us With Love, andthe soap is just the first in a line of products that the company wants to redesign to shrinkpackaging waste.
Forgo洗手液是一家斯德哥尔摩设计工作室Form Us With Love(爱与我们在一起)推出的一个内部项目。该公司想重新设计产品以减少包装垃圾,而这种肥皂只是这一系列的款产品。
"Our methodology is applicable to everything from deodorant to toothpaste to shampoosand face wash and conditioner and so on," says Allon Libermann, who is leading the project atthe design firm. "We are looking to accelerate the process of transforming all of those productsinto this kind of thinking."
It's one of multiple ways that companies are now rethinking disposable packaging,recognizing that less than 5% of plastic is recycled, and a growing amount of plastic waste isending up in the ocean (and our food chain).
Major brands are experimenting with a new model for reusable packaging that customers shipback for refills.
Grove Collaborative, a startup that launched last year, sells reusable glass bottles and refills inlightweight, recyclable plastic pouches.
去年成立的初创公司Grove Collaborative(美国互联网环保日化品牌)出售可重复使用的玻璃瓶和装在轻质可回收塑料袋中的补充装材料。
Another startup, By Humankind, sells refills for products like mouthwash that comes in tabletsthat customers can drop in a bottle.
另一家初创公司By Humankind(一家直接面向消费者的个人护理品牌)出售漱口水这类产品的补充装材料,其产品是片剂,顾客可以丢进瓶子里(之后加水使用)。
A cleaning product startup called Truman's sells small refill cartridges that pop into the top ofbottles.
一家清洁用品初创公司Truman's 出售可从瓶子顶部插入的墨盒补充装材料。
Amazon launched a similar in-house line with refill "pods" that attach to the bottom of areusable bottle. Unilever sells an ultraconcentrated liquid refill for one of its European cleaningbrands.
A new brand called Blueland sells reusable bottles and tablets that can be added to water tocreate cleaning products. And the list goes on.