2021考研英语综合备考:罪与罚Part 4-3


2021考研英语综合备考资料: 陀思妥耶夫斯基的经典英文小说《罪与罚》每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从罪与罚 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。


2021考研英语综合备考:罪与罚Part 4-3

The business man has got the better of them, too. The luggage will cost less than their fares and very likely go for nothing. How is it that they don't both see all that, or is it that they don't want to see? And they are pleased, pleased! And to think that this is only the first blossoming, and that the real fruits are to come! But what really matters is not the stinginess, is not the meanness, but the /tone/ of the whole thing. For that will be the tone after marriage, it's a foretaste of it. And mother too, why should she be so lavish? What will she have by the time she gets to Petersburg? Three silver roubles or two 'paper ones' as /she/ says. . . . that old woman . . . hm. What does she expect to live upon in Petersburg afterwards? She has her reasons already for guessing that she /could not/ live with Dounia after the marriage, even for the first few months. The good man has no doubt let slip something on that subject also, though mother would deny it: 'I shall refuse,' says she. On whom is she reckoning then? Is she counting on what is left of her hundred and twenty roubles of pension when Afanasy Ivanovitch's debt is paid? She knits woollen shawls and embroiders cuffs, ruining her old eyes. And all her shawls don't add more than twenty roubles a year to her hundred and twenty, I know that.

不过精明能干的人在这件事上稍有点儿欺骗了她们:托运行李的费用比她们的路费便宜,说不定根本不要花钱。她们怎么竟看不出这一点来,还是故意不理会呢?因为她们已经感到满意,心满意足了!也该多少想一想,这还只不过是开了个头,更厉害的还在后头呢!要知道,这儿重要的是什么:不是小气,不是极端吝啬,而是他的作风。要知道,这也是将来他婚后的作风,是预兆……然而妈妈干吗要花掉最后一点点钱呢?她带多少钱到彼得堡来?只带三个卢布,或者只带两张 ‘一卢布的票子’,就像那个……老太婆所说的……哼!以后她指望靠什么在彼得堡生活?由于某些原因,她不是已经猜到,他们结婚以后她不能与杜尼娅住在一起,就连最初一段时间也不可能吗?那个可爱的人大概说漏了嘴,让人看出了他的性格,尽管妈妈挥着双手否认这一点,说是:‘我自己拒绝接受’。那么她把希望寄托在谁的身上呢:指靠那一百二十卢布养老金,其中还要扣除向阿凡纳西·伊万诺维奇借的那笔债吗?她可以编织冬天用的三角头巾,还可以缝袖套,可是这会弄坏自己的老眼。再说,编织头巾,一年总共只能在那一百二十卢布之外增加二十个卢布,这我是知道的。

So she is building all her hopes all the time on Mr. Luzhin's generosity; 'he will offer it of himself, he will press it on me.' You may wait a long time for that! That's how it always is with these Schilleresque noble hearts; till the last moment every goose is a swan with them, till the last moment, they hope for the best and will see nothing wrong, and although they have an inkling of the other side of the picture, yet they won't face the truth till they are forced to; the very thought of it makes them shiver; they thrust the truth away with both hands, until the man they deck out in false colours puts a fool's cap on them with his own hands. I should like to know whether Mr. Luzhin has any orders of merit; I bet he has the Anna in his buttonhole and that he puts it on when he goes to dine with contractors or merchants. He will be sure to have it for his wedding, too! Enough of him, confound him!

这么说,还是得指望卢任先生情感高尚,慷慨大度,说是: ‘他自己会提出邀请,竭力劝我去住的’。别妄想了!席勒①笔下那些好心人总是这样:直到最后一刻,他们总是用孔雀羽毛把人打扮得十分漂亮,直到最后一刻,他们总是只往好的方面、而不往坏的方面去想;虽然他们也预感到坏的一面,但是无论如何事先对自己不说真话;单单是这么想一想,就使他们感到厌恶;他们挥着双手逃避真理,直到最后一刻,直到那个给打扮得十分漂亮的人亲自欺骗了他们。真想知道,卢任先生有没有勋章:我敢打赌,他的钮扣眼里有一枚安娜勋章②,跟包工头和商人们一道吃饭的时候,他都戴着它,大概在他举行婚礼的时候也会戴上的!不过,叫他见鬼去吧!……







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