




"Allow me one moment," he said. "You seem to think that her having the key proves she is guilty of the theft; but what could be easier than for the servants to open the portmanteau with a false key after she was gone?"

“对不起,”他说,“您说她偷了钱,因为她有钥匙。难道那两个茶房就不会在她走后用万 能钥匙打开皮箱吗?”

"Of course, of course," said the merchant.


"She could not have taken the money, because in her position she would hardly know what to do with it."


"That's just what I say," remarked the merchant.


"But it is very likely that her coming put the idea into the servants' heads and that they grasped the opportunity and shoved all the blame on her." Peter Gerasimovitch spoke so irritably that the foreman became irritated too, and went on obstinately defending the opposite views; but Peter Gerasimovitch spoke so convincingly that the majority agreed with him, and decided that Maslova was not guilty of stealing the money and that the ring was given her.


彼得·盖拉西莫维奇讲的时候情绪很激动。首席陪审员也恼火起来,因此特别固执地坚持相反的意见,但彼得·盖拉西莫维奇讲得很有 道理,多数人都同意他的话,认为玛丝洛娃并没有参与盗窃钱财和戒指,戒指是商人送给她的。

But when the question of her having taken part in the poisoning was raised, her zealous defender, the merchant, declared that she must be acquitted, because she could have no reason for the poisoning. The foreman, however, said that it was impossible to acquit her, because she herself had pleaded guilty to having given the powder.


"Yes, but thinking it was opium," said the merchant.


"Opium can also deprive one of life," said the colonel, who was fond of wandering from the subject, and he began telling how his brother-in-law's wife would have died of an overdose of opium if there had not been a doctor near at hand to take the necessary measures. The colonel told his story so impressively, with such self-possession and dignity, that no one had the courage to interrupt him. Only the clerk, infected by his example, decided to break in with a story of his own: "There are some who get so used to it that they can take 40 drops. I have a relative--," but the colonel would not stand the interruption, and went on to relate what effects the opium had on his brother-in-law's wife.







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