2021考研英语综合备考:罪与罚Part 4-13


2021考研英语综合备考资料: 陀思妥耶夫斯基的经典英文小说《罪与罚》每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从罪与罚 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。


2021考研英语综合备考:罪与罚Part 4-13

"Don't be anxious, I won't let him have her," the policeman said resolutely, and he set off after them.


"Ah, the vice one sees nowadays!" he repeated aloud, sighing.


At that moment something seemed to sting Raskolnikov; in an instant a complete revulsion of feeling came over him.


"Hey, here!" he shouted after the policeman.


The latter turned round.


"Let them be! What is it to do with you? Let her go! Let him amuse himself." He pointed at the dandy, "What is it to do with you?"


The policeman was bewildered, and stared at him open-eyed. Raskolnikov laughed.


"Well!" ejaculated the policeman, with a gesture of contempt, and he walked after the dandy and the girl, probably taking Raskolnikov for a madman or something even worse.


"He has carried off my twenty copecks," Raskolnikov murmured angrily when he was left alone. "Well, let him take as much from the other fellow to allow him to have the girl and so let it end. And why did I want to interfere? Is it for me to help? Have I any right to help? Let them devour each other alive--what is to me? How did I dare to give him twenty copecks? Were they mine?"


In spite of those strange words he felt very wretched. He sat down on the deserted seat. His thoughts strayed aimlessly. . . . He found it hard to fix his mind on anything at that moment. He longed to forget himself altogether, to forget everything, and then to wake up and begin life anew. . . .


"Poor girl!" he said, looking at the empty corner where she had sat-- "She will come to herself and weep, and then her mother will find out. . . . She will give her a beating, a horrible, shameful beating and then maybe, turn her out of doors. . . . And even if she does not, the Darya Frantsovnas will get wind of it, and the girl will soon be slipping out on the sly here and there. Then there will be the hospital directly (that's always the luck of those girls with respectable mothers, who go wrong on the sly) and then . . . again the hospital . . . drink . . . the taverns . . . and more hospital, in two or three years--a wreck, and her life over at eighteen or nineteen. . . .

“可怜的小姑娘!”他看看已经没有人坐着的长椅子的一端,说。 “她会清醒过来,痛哭一场,以后母亲会知道……先把她打一顿,后来又拿鞭子抽她,痛苦,羞辱,说不定会把她赶出去……即使不把她赶出去,那些达里娅·弗兰佐芙娜之类的人也会有所风闻,于是我们这个小姑娘就要东奔西走……以后不久就会进医院(那些住在十分清白的母亲家里,瞒着她们背地里悄悄干不正当勾当的姑娘总是这样),那么以后呢……以后又进医院……喝酒……小酒馆……又是医院……两三年后就成了残废,从出生以来,她总共只活了十九年,或者十七年……

Have not I seen cases like that? And how have they been brought to it? Why, they've all come to it like that. Ugh! But what does it matter? That's as it should be, they tell us. A certain percentage, they tell us, must every year go . . . that way . . . to the devil, I suppose, so that the rest may remain chaste, and not be interfered with. A percentage! What splendid words they have; they are so scientific, so consolatory. . . . Once you've said 'percentage' there's nothing more to worry about. If we had any other word . . . maybe we might feel more uneasy. . . . But what if Dounia were one of the percentage! Of another one if not that one?







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