2021考研双语小说阅读:罪与罚Part 10-11


2021考研英语双语阅读: 陀思妥耶夫斯基的经典英文小说《罪与罚》每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从罪与罚 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。

"Pashenka must give us some raspberry jam to-day to make him some raspberry tea," said Razumihin, going back to his chair and attacking his soup and beer again.


"And where is she to get raspberries for you?" asked Nastasya, balancing a saucer on her five outspread fingers and sipping tea through a lump of sugar.


"She'll get it at the shop, my dear. You see, Rodya, all sorts of things have been happening while you have been laid up. When you decamped in that rascally way without leaving your address, I felt so angry that I resolved to find you out and punish you. I set to work that very day. How I ran about making inquiries for you! This lodging of yours I had forgotten, though I never remembered it, indeed, because I did not know it; and as for your old lodgings, I could only remember it was at the Five Corners, Harlamov's house. I kept trying to find that Harlamov's house, and afterwards it turned out that it was not Harlamov's, but Buch's. How one muddles up sound sometimes! So I lost my temper, and I went on the chance to the address bureau next day, and only fancy, in two minutes they looked you up! Your name is down there."

“我的朋友,马林果,她可以到小铺里去买。你知道吗,罗佳,在你睡着的时候,这儿发生了多少事情。你以那样不讲信义的方式从我那儿溜之乎也,又不告诉我你的地址,我突然觉得那么恨你,决定要找到你,惩罚你。当天我就行动起来。我东奔西走,到处打听!现在你住的这个地方我忘了;其实我从来也没记住过,因为我根本不知道。至于你以前住的那个地方 ——我只记得是在五角场①附近,——哈尔拉莫夫②的房子。我找啊,找啊,寻找这幢哈尔拉莫夫的房子。后来才弄清,这幢房子根本不是哈尔拉莫夫的,而是布赫的,——有时就是会把读音搞错,而且错得这么厉害!我气坏了!一气之下,第二天我就到居民地址查询处去查问,反正豁出去了,你瞧,那里只花了两分钟就给我查到了你的住址。你的名字登记在那儿了。”




"My name!"




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