2022考研英语(一)阅读Text 1真题解析
2022考研初试英语科目考试已经结束了,文都考研网及时为大家整理2022考研英语真题及答案解析,希望对各位考生有帮助,本文整理:2022考研英语(一)阅读Text 1真题解析。
针对英语(一)科目的考试,阅读Text 1的题材选取了2011年英语(一)阅读Text 1曾经考过的艺术领域相关的话题,具体介绍了塑料艺术品在保存中遇到的种种困难。考生结合生活中的外刊阅读积累,不难从考研英语常选外刊文章经常出现的文章思路入手,为选择正确答案得出有利判断。另外,根据文都教育考研英语各阶段教学讲义中重点强调的做题技巧,比如根据同义复现、题文同序和文章主旨、段落关键词标志和对于出现专有名词、百分比、比较级等选项的处理原则,以及依靠题干和选项作为做题的加速攻略的方法,也不难得到令人满意的结果。具体考试要求和相应解析如下:
21. According to Paragraph 1, museums are faced with difficulties in ______.
[A] maintaining their plastic items
[B] obtaining durable plastic artifacts
[C] handling outdated plastic exhibits
[D] classifying their plastic collections
22. Van Oosten believes that certain plastic objects are ______.
[A] immune to decay
[B] improperly shaped
[C] inherently flawed
[D] complex in structure
23. Museums stopped exhibiting some of Gilardi’s artworks to ______.
[A] keep them from hurting visitors
[B] duplicate them for future display
[C] have their ingredients analyzed
[D] prevent them from further damage
24. The author thinks that preservation of plastics is ______.
[A] costly
[B] unworthy
[C] unpopular
[D] challenging
25. In Ferreira' s opinion, preservation of plastic artifacts ______.
[A] will inspire future scientific research
[B] has profound historical significance
[C] will help us separate the material ages
[D] has an impact on today’s cultural life
以上就是文都考研网为广大考生提供的2022考研英语(一)阅读Text 1答案解析。祝各位考生不负青春、不负韶华、不负时代,一战成硕,顺利考上理想的高校。