access to information and political participation 信息流通和参与政治的机会
anti-poverty funds 扶贫基金
assessment team 评估小组
ballot box 投票箱
bedrock of security and stability 安全与稳定的基础
blanket ballot 全面选举
blue states 蓝州 (支持民主党的州)
Capitol Building 国会大厦
cash contribution 现金捐款
casting vote 决定性一票
civil servants frenzy 公务员热
cluster bomb 集束炸弹
coalition government 联合政府
Cold War mentality 冷战思维
core principles 核心原则
cult of personality 个人崇拜
denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula 朝鲜半岛无核化
dissolution of parliament 解散国会
divided government 分治的政府
draft resolution 决议草案
election promises 竞选诺言
elective government 民选政府
electoral college 选举团
electoral map 选举地图
escalation of war 战争升级
exiled regime (government-in-exile) 流亡政府
extinguishment of national debt 清偿国债
extreme poverty 极端贫困
favorability rate 支持率
fence-sitting nations 持中立态度的国家
first executive office 行政长官
freedoms of expression and worship 言论和信仰的自由
full surrender 无条件投降(书)
gender gap 性别差异
growth of multilateral organizations 多边组织的发展
hard money/soft money 硬钱/软钱
have a positive, constructive and comprehensive relationship 有着积极、建设性、全面的关系
Homeland Security Department 国土安全部
inauguration address 就职演说
intelligence officers 情报人员
intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹
interior administration 内政
interior minister 内政部长
landlocked country 内陆国家
law enforcement personnel 执法人员
lethal arms 致命武器
matching funds 对等资金
military expansion 军备扩张
model of government 政府模式
money-oriented politics 金钱政治
non-intervention 不干涉
nonproliferation drive 防止核扩散运动
normalization with neighbors 同邻国实现关系正常化
notion of sovereignty 主权观念
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty 《不扩散核武器条约》
nuclear proliferation 核扩散
nuclear stockpiles 核库存
oath-taking ceremony 宣誓仪式
official assistance 官网援助
opposition party 反对党
parliamentary speech 国会学说
party government 政党政府
party in office/ruling party 执政党
party out of office 在野党
party program 党纲
peaceful transfer of authority 权力的和平过渡
peace-keeping operation 维和行动
plurality rule 简单多数原则
political and economic integration 政治经济一体化
political complexion 政治色彩