

Section 1 Use of English


1.[A] ticket [B] permit [C] signal [D] record

【词汇】contemporary“当代的”;prospect“前景,预期”;virtually“事实上,几乎”;unbearable“难以忍受的”;by the way“在途中”;fiddle with“摆弄”;underground“地铁”。


It’s a sad reality -- our desire to avoid interacting with other human beings -- because there’s ___2___ to be gained from talking to the stranger standing by you. But you wouldn’t know it, ___3___ into your phone. This universal armor sends the ___4___ : “Please don’t approach me.”

What is it that makes us feel we need to hide ___5___ our screens?

2.[A] nothing [B] little [C] another [D] much

3.[A] beaten [B] guided [C] plugged [D] brought

4.[A] message [B] code [C] notice [D] sign

5.[A] under [B] beyond [C] behind [D] from

【词汇】desire“渴望”;avoid“避免”;interact with“与...互动”;gain“获得”;stand by“站在旁边”;universal“普遍的”;armor“盔甲”;approach“接近”;hide“躲藏”。

【解析】there’s much to be gained“获益颇多”,选D。be plugged into“埋头于”,选C。message“消息”,send message“发送消息”,选A。code“编码,准则”;notice“通知,注意”;sign“迹象,符号”。hide behind“躲藏在...后面”,选C。

One answer is fear, according to Jon Wortmann, executive mental coach. We fear rejection, or that our innocent social advances will be ___6___ as “creepy”. We fear we’ll be ___7___. We fear we’ll be disruptive.

6.[A] misinterpreted [B] misapplied [C] misadjusted [D] mismatched

7.[A] fired [B] judged [C] replaced [D] delayed

【词汇】fear“恐惧”;mental coach“心理教练”;rejection“拒绝”;innocent“无知的”;social advance“社会进步”;creepy“诡异的,爬行的”;disruptive“破坏性的,造成混乱的”。


Strangers are inherently ___8___ to us, so we are more likely to feel ___9___ when communicating with them compared with our friends and acquaintances. To avoid this anxiety, we ___10___ to our phones. “Phones become our security blanket,” Wortmann says. “They are our happy glasses that protect us from what we perceive is going to be more ___11___.”

8.[A] unreasonable [B] ungrateful [C] unconventional [D] unfamiliar

9.[A] comfortable [B] anxious [C] confident [D] angry

10.[A] attend [B] point [C] take [D] turn

11.[A] dangerous [B] mysterious [C] violent [D] boring

【词汇】inherently“内在地,固有地”;be more likely to do“更有可能做某事”;compared with“与...相比较”;acquaintance“熟人”;anxiety“焦虑”;security blanket“安全毯”即“给人以安全感的事物”;happy glasses“保护玻璃”;protect sb. from“保护某人免于”;perceive“感觉”。

【解析】be unfamiliar to“与...不熟悉”,选D。unreasonable“不合理的”;ungrateful“忘恩负义的”;unconventional“非常规的,非传统的”。anxious“焦虑的”,选B。comfortable“舒适的”;confident“有信心的”。turn to“求助于”,选D。attend to“照料,致力于”;point to“指向,表明”;take to“(短时间内)喜欢上,养成(某种习惯),开始从事”。dangerous“危险的”,选A。mysterious“神秘的,不可思议的”;violent“暴力的”;boring“无聊的”。

But once we rip off the band aid, tuck our smart phones in our pockets and look up, it doesn’t ___12___ so bad. In one 2011 experiment, behavioral scientists Nicholas Epley and Juliana Schroeder asked commuters to do the unthinkable: Start a ___13___.

12.[A] hurt [B] resist [C] bend [D] decay

13.[A] lecture [B] conversation [C] debate [D] negotiation

【词汇】rip off“扯掉”;band aid“急救绷带”;tuck“把...塞进...”;look up“抬起头,查阅,拜访”;bad“很,非常”;behavioral scientist“行为科学家”;commuter“通勤者,乘车上班族”;unthinkable“不能想象的”。



They had Chicago train commuters talk to their fellow ___14___. ” When Dr. Epley and Ms. Schroeder asked other people in the same train station to ___15___ how they would feel after talking to a stranger, the commuters thought their ___16___ would be more pleasant if they sat on their own,” the New York Times summarizes. Though the participants didn’t expect a positive experience, after they ___17___ with the experiment, “not a single person reported having been snubbed.”

14.[A] trainees [B] employees [C] researchers [D] passengers

15.[A] reveal [B] choose [C] predict [D] design

16.[A] voyage [B] flight [C] walk [D] ride

17.[A] went through [B] did away [C] caught up [D] put up

【词汇】have sb. to do“让某人做某事”;train commuter“乘火车上下班的人”;fellow“同伴的,同类的”;train station“火车站”;pleasant“令人愉快的,舒适的”;on one’s own“独自地”;summarize“总结”;participant“参与者”;expect“期待”;positive experience“积极的体验”;snub“冷落,严厉斥责”。

【解析】passenger“乘客”,选D。trainee“实习生,受训者”;employee“雇员”。predict“预测”,选C。reveal“揭露,显示”;choose“选择”,过去式chose,过去分词chosen,名词形式choice。ride“(乘车或骑车的)短途旅行”,选D。voyage“长途旅行,航行”;flight“飞行,班机”。go through with“完成”,选A。do away with“废除”;catch up with“赶上”;put up with“容忍”。

___18___ these commutes were reportedly more enjoyable compared with those without communication, which makes absolute sense, ___19___ human beings thrive off of social connections. It’s that ___20___: Talking to strangers can make you feel connected.

18.[A] in turn [B] in particular [C] in fact [D] in consequence

19.[A] unless [B] since [C] if [D] whereas

20.[A] funny [B] simple [C] logic [D] rare

【词汇】commute“通勤”;compared with“与...相比较”,相当于compared to;make sense“有意义”;thrive off of“依托于...而繁荣兴旺”;social connection“社会联系”。

【解析】in fact“事实上”,选C。in turn“反过来,轮流”;in particular“尤其”;in consequence“因此,结果”。since“由于”,选B。unless“除非”;whereas“然而,鉴于(用于文件开头)”。simple“简单的”,选B。logic“逻辑,逻辑的”。




