

2021考研,英语阅读怎么训练自己才能得到?从考研英语文章阅读开始吧,KK给大家的每日一句里提到了不少名著句段,咱们今天就开始从杀死一只知更鸟 开始读起吧,每天阅读一小段,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。

经典名句-英文:I have nothing to do with people in the world but laugh. I'll join the circus and laugh at him.



Our biggest prize appeared four days later. It was a pocket watch that wouldn’t run, ona chain with an aluminum knife.

“You reckon it’s white gold, Jem?”

“Don’t know. I’ll show it to Atticus.”

Atticus said it would probably be worth ten dollars, knife, chain and all, if it were new.

“Did you swap with somebody at school?” he asked.

“Oh, no sir!” Jem pulled out his grandfather’s watch that Atticus let him carry once aweek if Jem were careful with it. On the days he carried the watch, Jem walked on eggs.

“Atticus, if it’s all right with you, I’d rather have this one instead. Maybe I can fix it.”




When the new wore off his grandfather’s watch, and carrying it became a day’sburdensome task, Jem no longer felt the necessity of ascertaining the hour every fiveminutes.

He did a fair job, only one spring and two tiny pieces left over, but the watch would notrun. “Oh-h,” he sighed, “it’ll never go. Scout—?”


“You reckon we oughta write a letter to whoever’s leaving us these things?”

“That’d be right nice, Jem, we can thank ‘em—what’s wrong?”

Jem was holding his ears, shaking his head from side to side. “I don’t get it, I just don’tget it—I don’t know why, Scout…” He looked toward the livingroom. “I’ve gotta goodmind to tell Atticus—no, I reckon not.”









“I’ll tell him for you.”

“No, don’t do that, Scout. Scout?”


He had been on the verge of telling me something all evening; his face would brightenand he would lean toward me, then he would change his mind. He changed it again.

“Oh, nothin‘.”

“Here, let’s write a letter.” I pushed a tablet and pencil under his nose.

“Okay. Dear Mister…”

“How do you know it’s a man? I bet it’s Miss Maudie—been bettin‘ that for a longtime.”

“Ar-r, Miss Maudie can’t chew gum—” Jem broke into a grin. “You know, she can talkreal pretty sometimes. One time I asked her to have a chew and she said no thanks,that—chewing gum cleaved to her palate and rendered her speechless,” said Jemcarefully. “Doesn’t that sound nice?”









“Yeah, she can say nice things sometimes. She wouldn’t have a watch and chainanyway.”

“Dear sir,” said Jem. “We appreciate the—no, we appreciate everything which youhave put into the tree for us. Yours very truly, Jeremy Atticus Finch.”

“He won’t know who you are if you sign it like that, Jem.”

Jem erased his name and wrote, “Jem Finch.” I signed, “Jean Louise Finch (Scout),”

beneath it. Jem put the note in an envelope.

Next morning on the way to school he ran ahead of me and stopped at the tree. Jemwas facing me when he looked up, and I saw him go stark white.







I ran to him.

Someone had filled our knot-hole with cement.

“Don’t you cry, now, Scout… don’t cry now, don’t you worry-” he muttered at me all theway to school.

When we went home for dinner Jem bolted his food, ran to the porch and stood on thesteps. I followed him. “Hasn’t passed by yet,” he said.

Next day Jem repeated his vigil and was rewarded.

“Hidy do, Mr. Nathan,” he said.

“Morning Jem, Scout,” said Mr. Radley, as he went by.

“Mr. Radley,” said Jem.

Mr. Radley turned around.

“Mr. Radley, ah—did you put cement in that hole in that tree down yonder?”












“Yes,” he said. “I filled it up.”

“Why’d you do it, sir?”

“Tree’s dying. You plug ‘em with cement when they’re sick. You ought to know that,Jem.”

Jem said nothing more about it until late afternoon. When we passed our tree he gaveit a meditative pat on its cement, and remained deep in thought. He seemed to beworking himself into a bad humor, so I kept my distance.

As usual, we met Atticus coming home from work that evening. When we were at oursteps Jem said, “Atticus, look down yonder at that tree, please sir.”






“What tree, son?”

“The one on the corner of the Radley lot comin‘ from school.”


“Is that tree dyin‘?”

“Why no, son, I don’t think so. Look at the leaves, they’re all green and full, no brownpatches anywhere—”

“It ain’t even sick?”

“That tree’s as healthy as you are, Jem. Why?”

“Mr. Nathan Radley said it was dyin‘.”

“Well maybe it is. I’m sure Mr. Radley knows more about his trees than we do.”

Atticus left us on the porch. Jem leaned on a pillar, rubbing his shoulders against it.

“Do you itch, Jem?” I asked as politely as I could. He did not answer. “Come on in,Jem,” I said.

“After while.”













He stood there until nightfall, and I waited for him. When we went in the house I sawhe had been crying; his face was dirty in the right places, but I thought it odd that I hadnot heard him.











