女排精神 [ nǚ pái jīng shén ]
女排精神 [ the morale of the Chinese women’s volleyball team;the fighting spirit of the Chinese women’s volleyball team ]
对于“女排精神”很容易顺理成章地译成the spirit of women’ s volleyball team,而为了突出其战斗性,又可将“精神”译成the fighting spirit,似乎不无道理。例如:England had the better of the game but they lacked the fighting spirit that would have secured them victory.(英格兰队在比赛中占据优势,但他们缺少确保取得胜利的斗志。)然而,若将视野放宽,即不仅限于赛场,其表征含义便远不止于此。
诞生于上世纪八十年代的女排精神,是与改革开放同时唱响的时代强音,是一种国民的集体记忆,是中国由迷茫走向振兴时期的战歌,因而极大地增强了中国人的凝聚力、向心力和自信心,成为中华民族不屈不挠、积极进取的精神象征,影响、感召了几代人的奋进,同时仍不失其巨大的现实意义和时代价值。因而,英译时不妨使用更具广博含义的morale,其本义为 the amount of confidence and enthusiasm, etc. that a person or a group has at a particular time,即更具“士气”或“精神风貌”之意,如: “艰苦奋斗是延安精神”(“Work diligently in defiance of difficulties” is the morale of Yan’an),“团队精神建立在相互信任的基础之上” (The team morale is based on mutual trust),等等。
至于spirit这个词, 主要是与 something of flesh or physical 相对立而言的, 很多情况下颇具宗教色彩。
总体考虑,“女排精神”不妨译为the morale / fighting spirit of the Chinese women’s volleyball team。