7. 坚持共同的理想信念、价值理念、道德观念,弘扬中华优秀传统文化、革命文化、社会主义先进文化,促进全体人民在思想上精神上紧紧团结在一起的显著优势;
Upholding common ideals, values and moral standards, and promoting fine Chinese traditions, revolutionary heritage and advanced socialist culture in a way that the Chinese nation will be untied with shared beliefs and convictions for continuous progress;
8. 坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,不断保障和改善民生、增进人民福祉,走共同富裕道路的显著优势;
Pursuing the development that puts people in the first place, with continuous efforts to improve livelihood and wellbeing to achieve prosperity for all;
9. 坚持改革创新、与时俱进,善于自我完善、自我发展,使社会始终充满生机活力的显著优势;
Implementing continuous reform and innovation to keep abreast of the times, and making constant efforts for self-improvement and development, leading to a vibrant and dynamic society;
10. 坚持德才兼备、选贤任能,聚天下英才而用之,培养造就更多更优秀人才的显著优势;
Assembling the best minds across the land selected for their integrity and expertise, with a system that continuously prepares people for the country's future need for talent;
11. 坚持党指挥枪,确保人民军队忠诚于党和人民,有力保障国家主权、安全、发展利益的显著优势;
Maintaining a people's army that is under the command of the CPC with absolute loyalty to the Party and the people and the prowess to safeguard China's sovereignty, security and national interests;
12. 坚持“一国两制”,保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定,促进祖国和平统一的显著优势;
Upholding the principle of “one country, two systems” to maintain lasting prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and Macao and promote the peaceful reunification of China;
13. 坚持独立自主和对外开放相统一,积极参与全球治理,为构建人类命运共同体不断作出贡献的显著优势。
Maintaining independence and self-reliance while opening to the outside world, with active participation in global governance and positive contribution to the building of a global community of shared future.