21. 具有高度适应性、竞争力、普惠性的现代金融体系
a modern financial system that is adaptive, competitive and inclusive
22. 经济治理基础数据库
a basic database for economic governance
23. 乡村振兴战略
the rural revitalization strategy
24. 国家战略科技力量
building up China's strategic strengths in science and technology
25. 国家实验室体系
a system of national laboratories
26. 新型举国体制
a new type of national system with concentrated efforts and resources for important events or projects
27. 科技伦理治理体制
a system for science regulations and ethics
28. 外商投资准入前国民待遇
pre-establishment national treatment to foreign investment
29. 自由贸易试验区、自由贸易港
pilot free trade zones and free trade ports
30. 举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象
keeping a firm conviction, winning the people's support, cultivating new generations of people, advancing culture, and presenting China's positive image