2021考研英语综合备考资料:英语阅读故事-追风筝的人。每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从追风筝的人 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。
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In 1933, the year Baba was born and the year Zahir Shah began his forty-year reign ofAfghanistan, two brothers, young men from a wealthy and reputable family in Kabul, gotbehind the wheel of their father's Ford roadster. High on hashish and "mast" on French wine, they struck and killed a Hazara husband and wife on the road to Paghman. The police broughtthe somewhat contrite young men and the dead couple's five-year-old orphan boy before mygrandfather, who was a highly regarded judge and a man of impeccable reputation. Afterhearing the brothers?account and their father's plea for mercy, my grandfather ordered thetwo young men to go to Kandahar at once and enlist in the army for one year--this despite thefact that their family had somehow managed to obtain them exemptions from the draft. Theirfather argued, but not too vehemently, and in the end, everyone agreed that the punishmenthad been perhaps harsh but fair. As for the orphan, my grandfather adopted him into his ownhousehold, and told the other servants to tutor him, but to be kind to him. That boy was Ali.
Ali and Baba grew up together as childhood playmates--at least until polio crippled Ali's leg--just like Hassan and I grew up a generation later. Baba was always telling us about the mischiefhe and Ali used to cause, and Ali would shake his head and say, "But, Agha sahib, tell them whowas the architect of the mischief and who the poor laborer?"Baba would laugh and throw hisarm around Ali.
But in none of his stories did Baba ever refer to Ali as his friend.
The curious thing was, I never thought of Hassan and me as friends either. Not in the usualsense, anyhow. Never mind that we taught each other to ride a bicycle with no hands, or tobuild a fully functional Homemade camera out of a cardboard box. Never mind that we spententire winters flying kites, running kites. Never mind that to me, the face of Afghanistan is thatof a boy with a thin-boned frame, a shaved head, and low-set ears, a boy with a Chinese dollface perpetually lit by a harelipped smile.
Never mind any of those things. Because history isn't easy to overcome. Neither is religion. Inthe end, I was a Pashtun and he was a Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shi'a, and nothing wasever going to change that. Nothing.
But we were kids who had learned to crawl together, and no history, ethnicity, society, orreligion was going to change that either. I spent most of the first twelve years of my life playingwith Hassan. Sometimes, my entire childhood seems like one long lazy summer day withHassan, chasing each other between tangles of trees in my father's yard, playing hide-and-seek, cops and robbers, cowboys and Indians, insect torture--with our crowning achievementundeniably the time we plucked the stinger off a bee and tied a string around the poor thingto yank it back every time it took flight.