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经典名句-英文:that they were both arriving at the other side of abandonment at that instant.
Meme thought that her mother had been impressed by the butterflies When they finished pruning the row bushes she washed her hands and took the package to her bedroom to open it. It was a kind of Chinese toy, made up of five concentric boxes, and in the last one there was a card laboriously inscribed by someone who could barely write: We'll get together Saturday at the movies. Meme felt with an aftershock that the box had been on the railing for a long time within reach of Fernanda's curiosity, and although she was flattered by the audacity and ingenuity of Mauricio Babilonia, she was moved by his Innocence in expecting that she would keep the date. Meme knew at that time that Aureli-ano Segun-do had an appointment on Saturday night. Nevertheless, the fire of anxiety burned her so much during the course of the week that on Saturday she convinced her father to leave her alone in the theater and come back for her after the show. A nocturnal butterfly fluttered about her head while the lights were on. And then ithappened. When the lights went out, Mauricio Babilonia sat down beside her. Meme felt herself splashing in a bog of hesitation from which she could only be rescued, as had occurred in her dreams, by that man smelling of grease whom she could barely see in the shadows.
梅梅以为蝴蝶给母亲的印象太深了。她把玫瑰花丛修剪完毕,就洗了洗手,将包进卧室去打开。包包里是个中国玩具似的东西——五个小盒,一个套着一个,在最后一个小盒里放着一张名信片,一个勉强会写字的人吃力地写上了几个字儿:“星期六在电影院相见。”梅梅觉得后怕,因为包包在长廊上放了不少时间,菲兰达可能怀疑它。梅梅虽然喜欢毛里西奥。 巴比洛尼亚的勇敢和发明才干,但他天真地相信她准会赴约,这就触犯了她的自尊心。梅梅知道,星期六晚上奥雷连诺第二是有约会的。但在整整一个星期中,她都感到惶恐不安,星期六晚上,她要父亲送她去电影院,散场之后再来接她。观众厅里的电灯还亮着的时候,夜出的蝴蝶就在她头顶上不停地飞舞。然后事儿就发生了。灯一熄灭,毛里西奥·巴比洛尼亚就在她身边坐下。梅梅觉得自已仿佛在可怕的泥坑里无力地挣扎,象在梦中一样,能够搭救她的只有这个沾上机油味的人;在黑暗的大厅里,她勉强才能看得见他。
"If you hadn't come," he said, "You never would have seen me again."
Meme felt the weight of his hand on her knee and she knew that they were both arriving at the other side of abandonment at that instant.
"What shocks me about you," she said, smiling, "is that you always say exactly what you shouldn't be saying."
以上就是文都考研给大家整理出来的经典名著百年孤独 的双语阅读资料,2021考研英语阅读的可以从这里开始,坚持下去,你就会脱离考研英语阅读完全看不懂的尴尬境地,希望准备报考2021考研学子能够好好利用,文都希望这些资料能够帮助大家在复习的时候打好基础,考试的时候胸有成竹!