2021考研英语综合备考资料:英语阅读故事-追风筝的人。每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从追风筝的人 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。
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We crossed the residential street and were trekkingthrough a barren patch of rough land that led tothe hill when, suddenly, a rock struck Hassan in theback. We whirled around and my heart dropped. Assef and two of his friends, Wali and Kamal, wereapproaching us.
Assef was the son of one of my father's friends, Mahmood, an airline pilot. His family lived afew streets south of our Home, in a posh, high-walled compound with palm trees. If you werea kid living in the Wazir Akbar Khan section of Kabul, you knew about Assef and his famousstainless-steel brass knuckles, hopefully not through personal experience. Born to a Germanmother and Afghan father, the blond, blue-eyed Assef towered over the other kids. His well-earned reputation for savagery preceded him on the streets. Flanked by his obeying friends, he walked the neighborhood like a Khan strolling through his land with his eager-to-pleaseentourage. His word was law, and if you needed a little legal education, then those brassknuckles were just the right teaching tool. I saw him use those knuckles once on a kid from theKarteh-Char district. I will never forget how Assef's blue eyes glinted with a light not entirelysane and how he grinned, how he "grinned", as he pummeled that poor kid unconscious. Some of the boys in Wazir Akbar Khan had nicknamed him Assef "Goshkhor", or Assef "the EarEater.?Of course, none of them dared utter it to his face unless they wished to suffer the samefate as the poor kid who had unwittingly inspired that nickname when he had fought Assefover a kite and ended up Fishing his right ear from a muddy gutter. Years later, I learned anEnglish word for the creature that Assef was, a word for which a good Farsi equivalent does notexist:"sociopath."
Of all the neighborhood boys who tortured Ali, Assef was by far the most relentless. He was, infact, the originator of the Babalu jeer, "Hey, Babalu, who did you eat today? Huh? Come on, Babalu, give us a smile!" And on days when he felt particularly inspired, he spiced up hisbadgering a little, "Hey, you flat-nosed Babalu, who did you eat today? Tell us, you slant-eyedd&111nkey!"
Now he was walking toward us, hands on his hips, his sneakers kicking up little puffs of dust.