

2021考研英语综合备考资料:英语阅读故事-追风筝的人。每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从追风筝的人 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。

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FOR THE NEXT COUPLE of years, the words "economic development" and "reform" danced on alot of lips in Kabul. The constitutional monarchyhad been abolished, replaced by a republic, led by apresident of the republic. For a while, a sense ofrejuvenation and purpose swept across the land. People spoke of women's rights and moderntechnology.


And for the most part, even though a new leader lived in "Arg"--the royal palace in Kabul--lifewent on as before. People went to work Saturday through Thursday and gathered for picnics onFridays in parks, on the banks of Ghargha Lake, in the gardens of Paghman. Multicolored busesand lorries filled with passengers rolled through the narrow streets of Kabul, led by theconstant shouts of the driver assistants who straddled the vehicles'rear bumpers and yelpeddirections to the driver in their thick Kabuli accent. On "Eid", the three days of celebration afterthe holy month of Ramadan, Kabulis dressed in their best and newest clothes and visited theirfamilies. People hugged and kissed and greeted each other with "Eid Mubarak." Happy Eid. Children opened gifts and played with dyed hard-boiled eggs.

对于大多数人来说,尽管喀布尔的皇宫换了新主人,生活仍和过去并无二致。人们依旧从周六到周四上班,依旧每逢周五聚集在公园、喀尔卡湖边或者帕格曼公园野餐。五颜六色的公共汽车和货车载满乘客,在喀布尔狭窄的街道上川流不息,司机的助手跨坐在后面的保险杠上,用口音浓重的喀布尔方言大声叫嚷,替司机指引方向。到了为期三天的开斋节,斋戒月回历的第九个月为斋戒月。之后的节日,喀布尔人穿上他们最 新、的衣服,相互拜访。人们拥抱,亲吻,互祝"开斋节快乐"。儿童拆开礼物,玩着染色的水煮蛋。

Early that following winter of 1974, Hassan and I were playing in the yard one day, building asnow fort, when Ali called him in. "Hassan, Agha sahib wants to talk to you!" He was standingby the front door, dressed in white, hands tucked under his armpits, breath puffing from hismouth.


Hassan and I exchanged a smile. We'd been waiting for his call all day: It was Hassan'sbirthday. "What is it, Father, do you know? Will you tell us?" Hassan said. His eyes weregleaming.


Ali shrugged. "Agha sahib hasn't discussed it with me."


"Come on, Ali, tell us,"I pressed. "Is it a drawing book? Maybe a new pistol?"


Like Hassan, Ali was incapable of lying. Every year, he pretended not to know what Baba hadbought Hassan or me for our birthdays. And every year, his eyes betrayed him and we coaxedthe goods out of him. This time, though, it seemed he was telling the truth.









