


The state’s proposed Forest Carbon Plan aims to double efforts to thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest. This temporarily lowers carbon-carrying capacity. But the remaining trees draw a greater share of the available moisture, so they grow and thrive, restoring the forest’s capacity to pull carbon from the air. Healthy trees are also better able to fend off insects. The landscape is rendered less easily burnable. Even in the event of a fine, fewer trees are consumed.


28. California’s Forest Carbon Plan endeavors to _______.

A. cultivate more drought-resistant trees

B. reduce the density of some of its forests

C. find more effective ways to kill insects

D. restore its forests quickly after wildfires

【答案】B reduce the density of some of its forests

【解析】细节题做题的技巧是“准确定位和匹配”。根据题干关键词 “Forest Carbon Plan”定位至第三段句话。题干中问题是“endeavor to”表示“努力做…”对应文章中 “double efforts to” ,因此答案在这个短语之后即“thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest”表示的意思是使“森林里部分小树变稀疏,清理部分灌木”,这与选项B中的“reduce the density of some of its fforests”即“降低森林的密度”一致。因此正确答案选B。



