


Perhaps half of U.S. farm laborers are undocumented immigrants. As fewer such workers enter the country, the characteristics of the agricultural workforce are changing. Today’s farm laborers, while still predominantly born in Mexico, are more likely to be settled rather than migrating and more likely to be married than single. They’re also aging. At the start of this century, about one-third of crop workers were over the age of 35. Now more than half are. And picking crops is hard on older bodies. One oft-debated cure for this labor shortage remains as implausible as it’s been all along: Native U.S. workers won’t be returning to the farm.


32. One trouble with U.S. agricultural workforce is .

A. the rising number of illegal immigrants

B. the high mobility of crop workers

C. the lack of experienced laborers

D. the aging of immigrant farm workers


【解析】细节推理题。根据题干中的trouble, U.S. agricultural workforce以及段落序列定位到文中第三段第二句。定位段第三至七句都在论证第二句的内容,其中第三句论证的是劳动力的来源及其倾向,第四至七句论证的是劳动力在变老并指出picking crops is hard on older bodies. 与选项D吻合。选项A中的rising及illegal属于无中生有,选项B中的high mobility与定位段中的farm labors are more likely to be settled rather than immigrating矛盾,选项C属无中生有。



