


清华大学-阿姆斯特丹大学逻辑学联合研究中心从2021年开始举办逻辑学暑期学校,邀请知名学者授课,向国内外本科生、研究生和青年教师开放。暑期学校旨在为广大学员提供系统学习逻辑学、了解逻辑学领域最 新研究进展、开展学术交流的平台,进一步推动逻辑学知识的普及,促进逻辑学与哲学、计算机科学、语言学、数学和认知科学等学科的交叉研究,发展逻辑学教育事业,为未来学术研究培养后备人才。







Logic, Data and Incomplete Information, 授课教师:Phokion G.Kolaitis(Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California Santa Cruz and IBM Research)

Expressivity and Inference in Hybrid Logic, 授课教师:Patrick Blackburn(Section for Philosophy and Science Studies, IKH, Roskilde University)。

两门课程均为英文授课,每门课16课时:从6月27日到7月1日五天, 每天三个课时,每课时45分钟并布置相应的课后习题; 7月2日设置答疑课, 7月3日安排考试 。学员可根据兴趣选修课程。对于参加并完成课程(课程参与+平时作业成绩+考试成绩)的学员,联合研究中心将颁发结业证书。欢迎对逻辑学感兴趣的学生和老师参加。



1. 请在此报名页面(http://tsinghualogic.net/JRC/?page_id=4918)填写基本信息;

2. 报名需推荐人一名,推荐人一般情况下应为报名人所在院校老师;推荐人需发送邮件至 xkb@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn 确认报名人基本信息与自我陈述内容属实。




若有疑问请咨询石**( scw@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn )。




The Tsinghua University – University of Amsterdam Joint Research Centre for Logic initiated a Logic Summer School Program in the year 2021. The program is primarily aimed at advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, and early career researchers in philosophy, computer science, mathematics, linguistics, cognitive sciences, and so on. Students and colleagues can learn here about the latest developments in logic interfacing with the aforementioned disciplines, including their theoretical results and technical backgrounds. The courses are particularly designed to supplement the logic courses that are taught in the usual curriculum.

The Second Tsinghua Logic Summer School will be held from June 27 to July 3, 2022.

Notice: for detailed information and registration, please see the website: http://tsinghualogic.net/JRC/?page_id=4869


Due to COVID2019, for those who are unable to come to Tsinghua University, the Second Tsinghua Summer School will be held virtually via Zoom.


The Second Tsinghua Logic Summer School consists of two courses:

Logic, Data and Incomplete Information, by Phokion G.Kolaitis(Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California, Santa Cruz);

Expressivity and Inference in Hybrid Logic, by Patrick Blackburn(Section for Philosophy and Science Studies, IKH, Roskilde University)

Each course consists of five lectures from Monday (June 27) to Friday (July 1), each lecture will be three 45 mins sessions. There will be a small amount of homework every day. There will be Q&A sessions on July 2. The final exam, which is optional, is scheduled for the final day, July 3. Depending on their interests, participants can register for one or two courses. For those who attend the lectures and pass the exam, the Joint Research Centre will award a certificate at the closing ceremony.


To attend the courses, registration is required, though no registration fee will be charged. The participants have to take care of their own expenses.

To register, please first check the information page for each course to make sure that you are familiar with the required preliminary knowledge. Then, please

1. fill the registration form (http://tsinghualogic.net/JRC/?page_id=4914), and

2. name a reference person, who needs to send us (xkb@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn) an email confirming your registration information.

To ensure better teaching and learning experience, for each course we will accept only around 30 students.

Deadline for registration: June 10

Notification of acceptance: June 15

The priority will be given to master students and undergraduate students. Please contact ** Shi ( scw@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn ) if you have any questions.


