
oxytocin /pksr teusin/ n.[药]催产素

真题复现1:Neuroscientist Bonnie Augeung found thatthe hormone oxytocin increased the amount of eyecontact from men toward the interviewer during abrief interview when the direction of their gaze wasrecorded.(2020英一,新题型)

真题翻译:在一次记录参与者眼神方向的简短面试中,神经学家邦妮·欧阳发现,催产素会增加男性与面试官的眼神交流 。

真题复现2:When people place their trust in an individualor an institution, their brains release oxytocin, ahormone that produces pleasurable feelings and triggersthe herding instruct that prompts humans to connectwith one another.(2018英一,完形)


真题复现3:Some experts attribute the stress-reducing,health-related benefits of hugging to the release ofoxytocin, often called “the bonding hormone" becauseit promotes attachment in relationships...(2017英一,完形)

