acquisition /aekw'zI(э)n/n.学得,习得,获取
真题复现1:Other scientists perform the specialisedwork of peer review also for free, because it is a centralelement in the acquisition of status and the productionof scientific knowledge.(2020,英-Text 2)
真题翻译:其他科学家进行同行评议的专业工作也是免 费的,因为这是获得地位和科学知识生产的核心要素
真题复现2:Much more could be done to encourage“long-termism,” such as changes in the tax code andquicker disclosure of stock acquisitions.(2019,英-Text 1 )
真题复现3:The most famous of these efforts was initiatecby Noam Chomsky, who suggested that humans are bornwith an innate language-acquisition capacity that dictatesa universal grammar.(2012,英一翻译)
真题翻译:在这些寻找语言普遍性的尝试中,最著 名的是由诺姆·乔姆斯基提出的。他认为人类生来就具备一种先天性语言习得能力,用以掌握普遍语法。