

Social change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason 1 this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements 3 interest ,... ... All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision .

1. [A] of [B] for [C] why [D] how

3. [A] to [B] on [C] in [D] with

介词在完型填空中属于经常会考察的知识点。由于介词的使用非常灵活,对于大多数人来说非常不容易把握,尤其是一些搭配用法, 有的可以互换,作为同义词使用,而有的则不能替换。本文就一篇模拟题为例,来区分以下几个词组: the reason for/of, agree to/on /with/ in 。

首先,空,在标准化的考试,只能填for,而不能用of。 原因如下:

首先需要明白reason 有几层意思:层,表示statement of explanation or justification,motive (理由,解释,冬季) 第二层,表示something (such as a principle or law) that supports a conclusion or explain a fact .(指的是得出结论的原则法则,指的是逻辑) ,第三层表示 the thing that makes some fact intelligible;cause

从上面的英文释义可以看出,这三层意思如果按照内在关系来排序的话,由弱到强应该 是一 ,三和二。 在这三层意思中,一和三只用介词for, 表示对某事物给出的解释,或引起某事物的原因,而of 则用在表示事物内在逻辑关系这样的意思里。比如

the reason for my absence, the reason for your strange behaviour, the reason for deciding to change jobs 等等;而在下面的例子中,则用of 比如,the reasons of his argument is flawed.

固定搭配the reason for sth 是比较规范的搭配,但是也会见到一些比较正式的文章中不用for 而用of. 根据一些资料上的显示,是因为一些作者认为reason的第三层意思和第二层cause 和logic 可以作为替换,所以就出现了reason for =reason of 的语言现象,然后就逐渐开始有这样的替换。

另外,当作为和第三层意思讲时,the reason for= by reason of/for reason of 是可以同义替换的,所以在做完型填空的时候要引起注意。

接下来看一下第3个空。这个空的选择,取决于对disagreement 的理解,这个词是由agree通过词性的变化得来的。agree 的意思,通常有“赞同”“同意”之意, 常常用的固定搭配有agree to , agree with, agree on 表示赞同。比如 agree to a plan(同意某个计划) , agree on a fair division of profits(同意对利润的平均分配),agree with sb.(同意某个人)。除此之外,agree 还有第二层意思 to be or achieve harmony. 比如We agree in our taste in music. 我们对音译的品味是一致的。所以再表示这一层意思时,用agree in 这种搭配,表示....的一致,不冲突,和谐状态。根据这个意思,本空应该填in表示有多元化的利益。





