一般来说,主语是单数概念,则谓语用单数形式;主语是复数概念,则谓语用复数形式。主谓一致指位于动词与主语必须在人称、性、数上保持一致。掌握主谓一致的用法,在 考研英语中至少有三方面好处:一是如果完型填空出现主谓一致考题可以快速破解;二是可以帮助考生在遇到长难句时迅速分析出句子的主干;三是在进行考研英语写作时可以正确造句。因此,文都考研高端辅导中心建议广大考生重视主谓一致的问题。

  1. 集体名词作主语时,主语与谓语动词的一致

  1)单复数同形的集体名词如police, people, cattle(牲畜), vermin(害虫), youth等,通常用作复数,随后的动词用复数。如:

  The police are looking into the records of all those involved in the crime. 警察正在调查那些与犯罪有牵连的人的记录。

  2)通常用作单数的集体名词:advice, baggage, equipment, news, machinery, knowledge, merchandise, furniture, scenery(风景), foliage(叶子), 随后的动词用单数。如:

  All the machinery in the factory is made in China.

  3)即可用作单数也可用作复数的集体名词:family, army, group, committee, army, group, committee, audience, jury, crowd, public, faculty, crew等。

  上述名词如果作为一个整体看待,谓语动词用单数;如果强调整体中的每个成员,谓语动词用复数。如:His family are all music lovers. 他的家人都是音乐爱好者

  His family isn’t large. 他家不是一个大家庭。

  2. 以并列结构做主语的主谓一致


  To try and fail is better than not to try at all. 尝试却失败比压根就不尝试好。

  To mean to do something and to actually do something are two separate things. 打算做和实际做是二码事。

  Bread and butter is our daily food. 面包和黄油是我们的日常饮食。

  2)当and连接的单数主语前面有each, every, many a, no 等修饰时,谓语动词用单数。如:

  Many a boy and many a girl has seen it.

  Many a boy and girl has seen it.

  No teacher and no student was present at the opening ceremony.

  3)如果主语是单数,尽管后面跟有with, together with, as well as, no less than, rather than, like, but, except, in addition to等引起的短语,谓语动词仍用单数。如:

  A professor, together with his assistants, was sent to help in this work.

  The teacher, as well as the students, likes this novel.

  4)由or, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but (also)…, not…but等连接的两个名词或代词作主语时,其谓语动词与邻近的主语取得一致。如:

  Not only Joan but her sisters know the code to the safe which contains the list of the family securities.











