2020年今天的考研英语双语阅读资料是:日本的全球最 快的动车开始试运行。首先来和文都考研小编看看一款动车,据说它的运行速度可高达360公里/小时,车型的设计还颇具未来色彩。

考研英语双语阅读:日本的全球最 快的动车开始试运行

Japan has started testing its fastest-ever bullet train—capable of reaching 400 kilometers per hour (249 mph)—as it continues to develop the revolutionary mode of travel.

日本已开始测试其最 快的高铁动车组,这种子弹头列车速度可达400公里/小时(约合249 英里/小时),日本一直致力于开发这种极具创新性的旅行模式。

The ALFA-X version of the Shinkansen train began three years’ worth of test runs on Friday.

自周五起,这种 ALFA-X 型新干线将开始为期三年的试运行。

Once it enters operation sometime around 2030, it will run at speeds of up to 360 kph (224 mph), comfortably making it the world’s fastest bullet train.

这种列车如果在2030年左右能够投入运行的话,它的运行速度可高达360公里/小时(约合224英里/小时),成为世界上最 快的动车。

It will also outpace China’s Fuxing train, which runs at 10 kph slower despite being designed with the same top speed capabilities as the ALFA-X.

它的速度将会比中国的复兴号要快上10公里/小时,而复兴号的设计最 快速度和 ALFA-X 型新干线相同。

The model’s futuristic design features 10 cars and a long pointed nose.


It’ll be tested on the line between the cities of Sendai and Aomori, which are about 280 kilometers apart as the crow flies. Tests will take place after midnight, when the line is quiet, and will occur twice a week.


The ALFA-X marks a new stage of growth for the Shinkansen, pushing the world-renowned high speed rail service even faster towards the future.

ALFA-X 标志着新干线进入崭新的增长阶段。与此同时,它也为更快的高速铁路服务开辟了未来。

Its testing debut comes as Japan’s new high-speed Shinkansen N700S continues tests that began just over a year ago.

这种车型首次测试已经开始,同时日本新式高速新干线 N700S 也将继续进行测试,这种 N700S 车型在一年前就开始测试了。

That model will enter operation in 2020, but its maximum speeds of 300 kph -- the same as other N700 series trains -- will be easily surpassed by the ALFA-X.

该车型在2020年将投入运行,但其速度为300公里/每小时,与N700系列其它车型一样,都将被 ALFA-X 轻松超越。

The flurry of new models coincides with Japan’s preparations to host the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.


No matter what speeds the train achieves during its test runs, it won’t match the record-breaking pace of Japan Railway’s magnetic levitation, or maglev, train which hit 603 kph (374 mph) on an experimental track in 2015.




