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经典名句-英文:You never reallyunderstand a person until you consider things from his point of view.



“Yes,” said our father, when Jem asked him if we could go over and sit by MissRachel’s fishpool with Dill, as this was his last night in Maycomb. “Tell him so long forme, and we’ll see him next summer.”


We leaped over the low wall that separated Miss Rachel’s yard from our driveway.


Jem whistled bob-white and Dill answered in the darkness.

“Not a breath blowing,” said Jem. “Looka yonder.”

He pointed to the east. A gigantic moon was rising behind Miss Maudie’s pecan trees.

“That makes it seem hotter,” he said.

“Cross in it tonight?” asked Dill, not looking up. He was constructing a cigarette fromnewspaper and string.





“No, just the lady. Don’t light that thing, Dill, you’ll stink up this whole end of town.”

There was a lady in the moon in Maycomb. She sat at a dresser combing her hair.

“We’re gonna miss you, boy,” I said. “Reckon we better watch for Mr. Avery?”

Mr. Avery boarded across the street from Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose’s house.




Besides making change in the collection plate every Sunday, Mr. Avery sat on the porchevery night until nine o’clock and sneezed. One evening we were privileged to witness aperformance by him which seemed to have been his positively last, for he never did itagain so long as we watched. Jem and I were leaving Miss Rachel’s front steps onenight when Dill stopped us: “Golly, looka yonder.” He pointed across the street. At firstwe saw nothing but a kudzu-covered front porch, but a closer inspection revealed an arcof water descending from the leaves and splashing in the yellow circle of the street light,some ten feet from source to earth, it seemed to us. Jem said Mr. Avery misfigured, Dillsaid he must drink a gallon a day, and the ensuing contest to determine relativedistances and respective prowess only made me feel left out again, as I was untalentedin this area.


Dill stretched, yawned, and said altogether too casually. “I know what, let’s go for awalk.”

He sounded fishy to me. Nobody in Maycomb just went for a walk. “Where to, Dill?”

Dill jerked his head in a southerly direction.

Jem said, “Okay.” When I protested, he said sweetly, “You don’t have to come along,Angel May.”

“You don’t have to go. Remember-”







Jem was not one to dwell on past defeats: it seemed the only message he got fromAtticus was insight into the art of cross examination. “Scout, we ain’t gonna do anything,we’re just goin‘ to the street light and back.”


We strolled silently down the sidewalk, listening to porch swings creaking with theweight of the neighborhood, listening to the soft night-murmurs of the grown people onour street. Occasionally we heard Miss Stephanie Crawford laugh.


“Well?” said Dill.

“Okay,” said Jem. “Why don’t you go on home, Scout?”

“What are you gonna do?”






