2021考研英语综合备考资料: 陀思妥耶夫斯基的经典英文小说《罪与罚》每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从罪与罚 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。

2021考研英语综合备考:罪与罚Part 8-2

Suddenly he remembered that the purse and the things he had taken out of the old woman's box were still in his pockets! He had not thought till then of taking them out and hiding them! He had not even thought of them while he was examining his clothes! What next? Instantly he rushed to take them out and fling them on the table. When he had pulled out everything, and turned the pocket inside out to be sure there was nothing left, he carried the whole heap to the corner. The paper had come off the bottom of the wall and hung there in tatters. He began stuffing all the things into the hole under the paper: "They're in! All out of sight, and the purse too!" he thought gleefully, getting up and gazing blankly at the hole which bulged out more than ever. Suddenly he shuddered all over with horror; "My God!" he whispered in despair: "what's the matter with me? Is that hidden? Is that the way to hide things?"

突然他想起来了,他从老太婆身上和箱子里拿来的钱袋和那些东西,到现在还都分别装在他的几个口袋里!到现在他还没想到要把它们拿出来,藏起来!就连现在,他察看衣服的时候,竟还没有想到它们!这是怎么搞的?他立刻急急忙忙把它们掏出来,丢在桌子上。他把这些东西全都拿了出来,连口袋都翻过来看了看,看是不是还有什么留在里面,然后把这堆东西都拿到墙角落里。那个角落里,墙脚下有个地方从墙上脱落下来的墙纸给撕掉了,他立刻动手把这一切塞进那儿的一个窟窿里,塞到墙纸下面,“塞进去了!所有东西都看不见了,钱袋也藏起来了!” 他高兴地想,欠起身来,神情木然地望着那个角落,望着那个塞得凸起来的窟窿。突然他惊恐地全身颤栗了一下:“我的天哪,”他绝望地喃喃地说:“我怎么啦?难道这就叫藏起来了吗?难道是这样藏的吗?”

He had not reckoned on having trinkets to hide. He had only thought of money, and so had not prepared a hiding-place.


"But now, now, what am I glad of?" he thought, "Is that hiding things? My reason's deserting me--simply!"


He sat down on the sofa in exhaustion and was at once shaken by another unbearable fit of shivering. Mechanically he drew from a chair beside him his old student's winter coat, which was still warm though almost in rags, covered himself up with it and once more sank into drowsiness and delirium. He lost consciousness.


Not more than five minutes had passed when he jumped up a second time, and at once pounced in a frenzy on his clothes again.


"How could I go to sleep again with nothing done? Yes, yes; I have not taken the loop off the armhole! I forgot it, forgot a thing like that! Such a piece of evidence!"


He pulled off the noose, hurriedly cut it to pieces and threw the bits among his linen under the pillow.





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