

稳健的货币政策要更加灵活适度。综合运用降准降息、再贷 款等手段,引导广义货币供应量和社会融资规模增速明显高于去年。保持人民币汇率在合理均衡水平上基本稳定。创新直达实体经济的货币政策工具,务必推动企业便利获得贷 款,推动利率持续下行。

We will pursue a prudent monetary policy in a more flexible and appropriate way.

We will use a variety of tools such as required reserve ratio reductions, interest rate cuts, and re-lending to enable M2 money supply and aggregate financing to grow at notably higher rates than last year. We will keep the RMB exchange rate generally stable at an adaptive, balanced level. As we work to develop new monetary policy instruments that can directly stimulate the real economy, it is crucial that we take steps to ensure enterprises can secure loans more easily, and promote steady reduction of interest rates.


We will strengthen the employment-first policy with comprehensive measures.

We will create synergy to stabilize employment through the coordinated use of fiscal, monetary, and investment policies. We will strive to keep existing jobs secure, work actively to create new ones, and help unemployed people find work. All local governments need to overhaul or rescind excessive restrictions on employment, and adopt all possible measures to bolster employment.



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