

"Come home, dear," she said.


"When a train passes--then under a carriage, and there will be an end," Katusha was thinking, without heeding the girl.


And she made up her mind to do it, when, as it always happens, when a moment of quiet follows great excitement, he, the child--his child--made himself known within her. Suddenly all that a moment before had been tormenting her, so that it had seemed impossible to live, all her bitterness towards him, and the wish to revenge herself, even by dying, passed away; she grew quieter, got up, put the shawl on her head, and went home.


Wet, muddy, and quite exhausted, she returned, and from that day the change which brought her where she now was began to operate in her soul. Beginning from that dreadful night, she ceased believing in God and in goodness. She had herself believed in God, and believed that other people also believed in Him; but after that night she became convinced that no one believed, and that all that was said about God and His laws was deception and untruth. He whom she loved, and who had loved her--yes, she knew that--had thrown her away; had abused her love. Yet he was the best of all the people she knew. All the rest were still worse. All that afterwards happened to her strengthened her in this belief at every step. His aunts, the pious old ladies, turned her out when she could no longer serve them as she used to. And of all those she met, the women used her as a means of getting money, the men, from the old police officer down to the warders of the prison, looked at her as on an object for pleasure. And no one in the world cared for aught but pleasure. In this belief the old author with whom she had come together in the second year of her life of independence had strengthened her. He had told her outright that it was this that constituted the happiness of life, and he called it poetical and aesthetic.

她浑身湿透,溅满泥浆,筋疲力尽地回到家里。从那天起,她心灵上发生了一场大变化,结果就变成了现在这个样子。自从那个可怕的夜晚起,她不再相信善了。以前她自己相信善,并且以为别人也相信善,但从那一晚起,她断定谁也不相信善,人人嘴里说着上帝说着善,无非只是为了骗骗人罢了。她知道,他爱过她,她也爱过他,可是他亵渎了她的感情,拿她玩够了,又把她抛弃了。而他还是她所认识的人中最 好的一个呢。其他的人就更坏了。她的全部遭遇都证实了这一点。他那两位姑妈,两位虔诚的老婆子,看到她不能象以前那样服侍她们,就把她从家里撵走。她遇到的一切人,凡是女人都把她当作摇钱树;凡是男人,从上了年纪的警察局长到监狱看守,个个都把她看成玩物。不论什么人,除了寻欢作乐,除了肉体的淫乐,活在世界上就没有别的事了。在她过自由生活的第二年,她跟一个老作家同居,那个作家也证实了这一点。他直截了当地对她说,这种欢乐富有诗意,充满美感,是人生的全部幸福。

Everybody lived for himself only, for his pleasure, and all the talk concerning God and righteousness was deception. And if sometimes doubts arose in her mind and she wondered why everything was so ill-arranged in the world that all hurt each other, and made each other suffer, she thought it best not to dwell on it, and if she felt melancholy she could smoke, or, better still, drink, and it would pass.

人人活着都为了自己,为了自己的欢乐,一切有关上帝和善的话都是骗骗人的。如果她心里发生疑问:为什么人间安排得如此糟糕,为什么人们互相欺凌,受苦受难;那么,最 好就是不要去想它。如果她感到苦闷,那就抽抽烟,喝喝酒,同男人谈谈爱情,这样也就会把苦闷忘掉。



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