


America's nightmare

As the Democratic nominee,the senator from Vermont would present America with a terrible choice(8)



So keenly does Mr. Sanders fight his wicked rivals at home,that he often symparhizes with their enemies abroad. He has shown a habit of indulging autocrats in Cuba and Nicaragua,so long as the regime in question claims to be pursuing socialism. He is skeptical about America wielding power overseas,partly from an honorable conviction that military adventures do more harm than good. But it also reflects his contempt for the power-wielders in the Washington establishment.


1.keenly adv.敏锐地,强烈地,敏感地

2.wicked adj. 缺德的,怀有恶意的,惹人厌的

3.sympathize via. 同情,体谅

4.indulge v. 放纵,放任,纵容

5.autocrat n. 独裁者

6.regime n. 政体,政权

7.pursue v. 从事,跟随,追捕

8.skeptical adj. 不信任的,不相信的,表示怀疑的

9.wield v. 支配,控制,使用,运用

10.honorable adj. 光荣的,可敬的,高贵的

11.do more harm than good. 弊大于利

12.contempt n. 轻视,鄙视,公然藐视

13.power-wielder n. 权力支配者

14.conviction n. 深信,确信


