

2021考研英语 · 何凯文硬核提分课程


In Thessaly there once lived a king by the name of Ixion.He was both handsome and mighty.He went to woo the beautiful maiden Dia and won her love,but her old father was most reluctant to part with his child.only when Ixionswore to let him have his royal treasure house did the father agree to give the king the hand of Dia in marriage .Ixion took Dia home with him.But he was in no mood to keep his promise,for a long time passed and no treasure ever came to the old man.Impatient to have his promised wealth,the old father went to seeIxion and gave him no peace,until at last Ixion decided to get ridof him once and for all .Opening the door of his treasurehouse,he pushed the old man in and there burnt him to death.

以前有个叫伊克西翁的国王居住在色萨利。他既英俊潇洒又力大无穷。他向美丽的姑娘黛求婚。黛和他一见倾心,但是她的父亲却极不情愿离开他的孩子。最 后只有当伊克西翁发誓让黛的父亲得到王室的金库时,这位父亲才答应把黛嫁给了国王。伊克西翁把黛领回家。但他却丝毫没有履行诺言的意思。很长时间过去了,老人没有得到半厘钱。于是老人迫不及待地去找伊克西翁,絮絮叨叨搅得他不得安宁。终于伊克西翁决定索性彻底除掉老头。他打开了金库,一把将老人推了进去,然后将他活活烧死。

Zeus was furious over the terrible deed.The frightened Ixion went up to heaven and asked the father of gods and men torid him of his dishonesty .His prayers were granted,and hestayed happily for a while in the glorious home of the gods,There his lecherous eyes fell on Hera,whose radiant beautyfascinated his heart.Forgetting Dia at home,he planned for Hera to elope with him.Seeing all this,Zeus sent a cloud in the form of Hera to Ixion.The impious king made love to the shade and made it the mother of the centaurs .The infuriated Zeuscast Ixion down to Hades and had him bound to a wheel of fire,which,forever revolving,racked and tore his body in its unbroken swift revolutions.
