

Before each of their revelations, many thinkers at the time had sustained more ancient ways of thinking, including the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe.

语法点:时间状语;短语作定语;A of B结构;分词短语做状语;同位语从句

句子剖析:本题主干是:many thinkers…had sustained more ancient ways,主干句之前是Before引导的时间状语,主句之后是including 引导的结果状语。

单词:revelation n. 新发现

thinker n. 思想家

sustain v. 维持

geocentric view 地心说

翻译要点:①短语作定语: at the time修饰many thinkers,因此在译文中要将其置于many thinkers之前,即:当时的许多思想家。

②A of B结构:若不是of短语的固定搭配(数量、种类等),一般A of B的结构翻译为“B的A”,ways of thinking即思维(的)方式。

③同位语从句: the geocentric view that the Earth was at the centre of our universe.首先,同位语从句的识别,如果that后面的句子不缺成分,一般为同位语。同为从句是对于其所修饰的抽象名词进行解释说明,因此可以翻译为:地心说,即地球是宇宙的中心。
