
1)coincidence [kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns] n.巧合,巧事;一致,符合Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabulary is very “team”-oriented — and not by coincidence.(15,T3)科恩指出,这个企业词汇的新时代是以“团队”为导向的,这并非巧合。


2)colleague [ˈkɒli:g]n.同事,同僚Your home colleagues—your family— have no clear rewards for their labor.(15,T1)你的家里的同事——也就是你的家人——劳动是没有明确的报酬的。


3)combination [ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn] n.结合,联合,合并;化合(物)His survey of the theory of leadership, is that a combination of hard and soft power.(19,T3)他对领导理论的调查,就是硬实力与软实力的结合。


4)committee [kəˈmɪti]n.委员会,全体委员But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman’s compensation committee.(11,T1)但到 2009 年底,西蒙斯女士因参加高盛薪酬委员会而受到抨击。


5)commute [kəˈmju:t]vi.通勤;代偿vt.用…交换;使…变成n.通勤来往; 通勤来往的路程These commutes were reportedly more enjoyable compared with those without communication.(15,完型)与那些没有交流的人相比,有交流的上下班路上更令人愉快。


6)compel [kəmˈpel]vt.强迫,迫使; 强制发生,使不得不The European Union is now considering legislation to compel corporate boards to maintain a certain proportion of women — up to 60%.(13,T4)欧盟目前正在考虑立法强制公司董事会保留一定比例的女性——最 高可达 60%。


7)complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd] a.错综复杂的,麻烦的,难解的students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives(12,T1)因家庭生活复杂而不做功课的学生


8)complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt]

v.(使)变复杂I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.  我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。


9)complication [ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃn]n.复杂,纠纷;并发症This is a complication which deserves very serious attention.  这是一个值得注意的复杂情况。


10)compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt]n.(pl.)问候,致意 n./v.称赞,恭维pay a unique compliment(18,T5)独特的赞美


11)raid [reɪd]

n.袭击;突袭;搜捕;抢劫v.袭击,突袭The rebels attempted a surprise raid on a military camp.  叛军试图突袭一处军营。


12)compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd]n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词a.复合的;混合的v.合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协And the shortage is compounded by federal immigration raids.(19,T3)联邦移民局的突击检查更是加剧了人口短缺。


13)rectify [ˈrektɪfaɪ]v.纠正,整顿to rectify a fault  改正缺点


14)comprehensive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] a.综合的; 广泛的,全面的; 有理解力的,悟性好的The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.(14,T4)综合支出审查为帮助政府改变这一状况提供了机会。


15)comprehend [ˌkɒmprɪˈhend]v.理解,了解I just cannot comprehend your attitude.我就是无法理解你的态度。


16)comprehension [ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃn]a.理解(力),领悟The problem is beyond my comprehension.  这个问题超出我的理解力。


17)summarize [ˈsʌməraɪz]v.(=summarise)概括,总结I will summarize what I have done.  我将概述我所做的事情。


18)concise [kənˈsaɪs]a.简明的,简洁的summarizes various studies concisely(09,T3)简明扼要地总结各项研究


19)opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt]a.对面的,相反的n.对立面prep.在…的对面Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast.  珍妮吃早餐时坐在她对面。


20)conclusion [kənˈklu:ʒn]

n.结束,终结;结论,推论But modem leadership theorists have come to the opposite conclusion.(09,T3)但现代领导理论却得出了相反的结论。1)coincidence [kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns] n.巧合,巧事;一致,符合Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabulary is very “team”-oriented — and not by coincidence.(15,T3)科恩指出,这个企业词汇的新时代是以“团队”为导向的,这并非巧合。


2)colleague [ˈkɒli:g]n.同事,同僚Your home colleagues—your family— have no clear rewards for their labor.(15,T1)你的家里的同事——也就是你的家人——劳动是没有明确的报酬的。


3)combination [ˌkɒmbɪˈneɪʃn] n.结合,联合,合并;化合(物)His survey of the theory of leadership, is that a combination of hard and soft power.(19,T3)他对领导理论的调查,就是硬实力与软实力的结合。


4)committee [kəˈmɪti]n.委员会,全体委员But by the end of 2009 Ms. Simmons was under fire for having sat on Goldman’s compensation committee.(11,T1)但到 2009 年底,西蒙斯女士因参加高盛薪酬委员会而受到抨击。


5)commute [kəˈmju:t]vi.通勤;代偿vt.用…交换;使…变成n.通勤来往; 通勤来往的路程These commutes were reportedly more enjoyable compared with those without communication.(15,完型)与那些没有交流的人相比,有交流的上下班路上更令人愉快。


6)compel [kəmˈpel]vt.强迫,迫使; 强制发生,使不得不The European Union is now considering legislation to compel corporate boards to maintain a certain proportion of women — up to 60%.(13,T4)欧盟目前正在考虑立法强制公司董事会保留一定比例的女性——最 高可达 60%。


7)complicated [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd] a.错综复杂的,麻烦的,难解的students who do not do their homework because of complicated family lives(12,T1)因家庭生活复杂而不做功课的学生


8)complicate [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪt]

v.(使)变复杂I do not wish to complicate the task more than is necessary.  我不想使这项任务不必要地复杂化。


9)complication [ˌkɒmplɪˈkeɪʃn]n.复杂,纠纷;并发症This is a complication which deserves very serious attention.  这是一个值得注意的复杂情况。


10)compliment [ˈkɒmplɪmənt]n.(pl.)问候,致意 n./v.称赞,恭维pay a unique compliment(18,T5)独特的赞美


11)raid [reɪd]

n.袭击;突袭;搜捕;抢劫v.袭击,突袭The rebels attempted a surprise raid on a military camp.  叛军试图突袭一处军营。


12)compound [ˈkɒmpaʊnd]n. [化学] 化合物;混合物;复合词a.复合的;混合的v.合成;混合;恶化,加重;和解,妥协And the shortage is compounded by federal immigration raids.(19,T3)联邦移民局的突击检查更是加剧了人口短缺。


13)rectify [ˈrektɪfaɪ]v.纠正,整顿to rectify a fault  改正缺点


14)comprehensive [ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] a.综合的; 广泛的,全面的; 有理解力的,悟性好的The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.(14,T4)综合支出审查为帮助政府改变这一状况提供了机会。


15)comprehend [ˌkɒmprɪˈhend]v.理解,了解I just cannot comprehend your attitude.我就是无法理解你的态度。


16)comprehension [ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃn]a.理解(力),领悟The problem is beyond my comprehension.  这个问题超出我的理解力。


17)summarize [ˈsʌməraɪz]v.(=summarise)概括,总结I will summarize what I have done.  我将概述我所做的事情。


18)concise [kənˈsaɪs]a.简明的,简洁的summarizes various studies concisely(09,T3)简明扼要地总结各项研究


19)opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt]a.对面的,相反的n.对立面prep.在…的对面Jennie had sat opposite her at breakfast.  珍妮吃早餐时坐在她对面。


20)conclusion [kənˈklu:ʒn]

n.结束,终结;结论,推论But modem leadership theorists have come to the opposite conclusion.(09,T3)但现代领导理论却得出了相反的结论。

