11. 为人民服务、对人民负责、受人民监督
serving the people, answering to the people and watched by the people
12. 数字政府建设
building a digital government
13. 垂直管理体制和地方分级管理体制
the institutions of vertical management and tiered local management
14. 权责清晰、财力协调、区域均衡的中央和地方财政关系
establishing a fiscal relationship between the central and local governments built upon clearly defined powers and responsibilities, with appropriate financial resource allocation, and greater balance between regions
15. 社会主义市场经济体制
the socialist market economy
16. 供给侧结构性改革
supply-side structural reform
17. 管资本为主的国有资产监管体制
a state assets regulation system that focuses on capital regulation
18. 农村集体产权制度改革
reform of the rural collective property rights system
19. 市场准入负面清单制度
a negative list for market access
20. 竞争政策基础地位
the fundamental role of competition policies