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经典名句-英文:I don’t know of any law that says they can’t talk.



Jem heard me. He thrust his head around the connecting door. As he came to my bedAtticus’s light flashed on. We stayed where we were until it went off; we heard him turnover, and we waited until he was still again.


Jem took me to his room and put me in bed beside him. “Try to go to sleep,” he said,“It’ll be all over after tomorrow, maybe.”


We had come in quietly, so as not to wake Aunty. Atticus killed the engine in thedriveway and coasted to the carhouse; we went in the back door and to our roomswithout a word. I was very tired, and was drifting into sleep when the memory of Atticuscalmly folding his newspaper and pushing back his hat became Atticus standing in themiddle of an empty waiting street, pushing up his glasses. The full meaning of thenight’s events hit me and I began crying. Jem was awfully nice about it: for once hedidn’t remind me that people nearly nine years old didn’t do things like that.


Everybody’s appetite was delicate this morning, except Jem’s: he ate his way throughthree eggs. Atticus watched in frank admiration; Aunt Alexandra sipped coffee andradiated waves of disapproval. Children who slipped out at night were a disgrace to thefamily. Atticus said he was right glad his disgraces had come along, but Aunty said,“Nonsense, Mr. Underwood was there all the time.”


“You know, it’s a funny thing about Braxton,” said Atticus. “He despises Negroes,won’t have one near him.”


Local opinion held Mr. Underwood to be an intense, profane little man, whose father ina fey fit of humor christened Braxton Bragg, a name Mr. Underwood had done his bestto live down. Atticus said naming people after Confederate generals made slow steadydrinkers.








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