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When Mr. Gilmer told Judge Taylor that the state rested, Judge Taylor said, “It’s timewe all did. We’ll take ten minutes.”


Atticus and Mr. Gilmer met in front of the bench and whispered, then they left thecourtroom by a door behind the witness stand, which was a signal for us all to stretch. Idiscovered that I had been sitting on the edge of the long bench, and I was somewhatnumb. Jem got up and yawned, Dill did likewise, and Reverend Sykes wiped his face onhis hat. The temperature was an easy ninety, he said.


Mr. Braxton Underwood, who had been sitting quietly in a chair reserved for the Press,soaking up testimony with his sponge of a brain, allowed his bitter eyes to rove over thecolored balcony, and they met mine. He gave a snort and looked away.


“Jem,” I said, “Mr. Underwood’s seen us.”

“That’s okay. He won’t tell Atticus, he’ll just put it on the social side of the Tribune.”



Jem turned back to Dill, explaining, I suppose, the finer points of the trial to him, but Iwondered what they were. There had been no lengthy debates between Atticus and Mr.Gilmer on any points; Mr. Gilmer seemed to be prosecuting almost reluctantly;witnesses had been led by the nose as asses are, with few objections. But Atticus hadonce told us that in Judge Taylor’s court any lawyer who was a strict constructionist onevidence usually wound up receiving strict instructions from the bench. He distilled thisfor me to mean that Judge Taylor might look lazy and operate in his sleep, but he wasseldom reversed, and that was the proof of the pudding. Atticus said he was a goodjudge.

杰姆对迪尔转过身,向他解释着,我猜是解释着有关审判的其他问题。但我不知道是些什么。阿迪克斯和吉尔默先生之间没就任何问题进行长时间的辩论}吉尔默先生好象是在勉勉强强地起诉,证人象驴子一样被牵着鼻子走,很少提出反对意见。不过,阿迪克斯对我说过,在泰勒法官的审判厅里,一个只会死死扣住证据作出解释的律师,通常要受到泰勒法官的严厉指责。他的意思概括起来就是,泰勒法官也许看上去懒洋洋的,似乎一边睡觉一边审判,但他的判决很少被上级法院推翻。这最 能说明问题了。阿迪克斯说他是一个很不错的法官。




