2021考研英语综合备考资料: 陀思妥耶夫斯基的经典英文小说《罪与罚》每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从罪与罚 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。


2021考研英语综合备考:罪与罚Part 3-8

Indeed, dear Rodya, the letter was so nobly and touchingly written that I sobbed when I read it and to this day I cannot read it without tears. Moreover, the evidence of the servants, too, cleared Dounia's reputation; they had seen and known a great deal more than Mr. Svidrigailov had himself supposed --as indeed is always the case with servants. Marfa Petrovna was completely taken aback, and 'again crushed' as she said herself to us, but she was completely convinced of Dounia's innocence. The very next day, being Sunday, she went straight to the Cathedral, knelt down and prayed with tears to Our Lady to give her strength to bear this new trial and to do her duty.


Then she came straight from the Cathedral to us, told us the whole story, wept bitterly and, fully penitent, she embraced Dounia and besought her to forgive her. The same morning without any delay, she went round to all the houses in the town and everywhere, shedding tears, she asserted in the most flattering terms Dounia's innocence and the nobility of her feelings and her behavior. What was more, she showed and read to everyone the letter in Dounia's own handwriting to Mr. Svidrigailov and even allowed them to take copies of it--which I must say I think was superfluous.

随后,没去任何人那里,就从教堂一直来到我们家里,把一切都告诉了我们,痛哭流涕,悔恨不已,抱住杜尼娅,请求宽恕她。就在那天早晨,她又毫不迟延,径直从我们家出去,遍访城里每家每户,流着眼泪,对杜涅奇卡赞不绝口,用最 美的言词为杜涅奇卡恢复名誉。说她清白无辜,她的感情和行为都是高尚的。不仅如此,她还把杜涅奇卡给斯维德里盖洛夫先生的亲笔信拿给所有人看,念给他们听,甚至让人抄录下来(照我看,这已经不必要了)。

In this way she was busy for several days in driving about the whole town, because some people had taken offence through precedence having been given to others. And therefore they had to take turns, so that in every house she was expected before she arrived, and everyone knew that on such and such a day Marfa Petrovna would be reading the letter in such and such a place and people assembled for every reading of it, even many who had heard it several times already both in their own houses and in other people's. In my opinion a great deal, a very great deal of all this was unnecessary; but that's Marfa Petrovna's character. Anyway she succeeded in completely re-establishing Dounia's reputation and the whole ignominy of this affair rested as an indelible disgrace upon her husband, as the only person to blame, so that I really began to feel sorry for him; it was really treating the crazy fellow too harshly.

就这样,她一连几天走遍了全城所有人家;因为有些人为了别人有幸先接待她而表示不满,于是排定了次序,这样一来,每家都已经早就有人等待着她,而且人人都知道,哪一天玛尔法·彼特罗芙娜要在哪里念这封信,每次念信时,就连那些按顺序已经在自己家里和其他熟人家里听过好几次的人,又都跑了来再听一遍。我的意见是,这样做是多余的,完全是多余的;但是玛尔法· 彼特罗芙娜就是这样的性格。至少她已完全恢复了杜涅奇卡的名誉,这件事情全部卑鄙可耻的责任都落到了她丈夫、这个罪魁祸首的身上,使他蒙受了洗刷不掉的耻辱,因此我甚至可怜起他来;对这个狂妄乖戾的人的惩罚已经太严厉了。

Dounia was at once asked to give lessons in several families, but she refused. All of a sudden everyone began to treat her with marked respect and all this did much to bring about the event by which, one may say, our whole fortunes are now transformed. You must know, dear Rodya, that Dounia has a suitor and that she has already consented to marry him. I hasten to tell you all about the matter, and though it has been arranged without asking your consent, I think you will not be aggrieved with me or with your sister on that account, for you will see that we could not wait and put off our decision till we heard from you. And you could not have judged all the facts without being on the spot.





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