


The public prosecutor spoke at great length, trying not to forget any of the notions he had formed in his mind, and, on the other hand, never to hesitate, and let his speech flow on for an hour and a quarter without a break.


Only once he stopped and for some time stood swallowing his saliva, but he soon mastered himself and made up for the interruption by heightened eloquence. He spoke, now with a tender, insinuating accent, stepping from foot to foot and looking at the jury, now in quiet, business-like tones, glancing into his notebook, then with a loud, accusing voice, looking from the audience to the advocates. But he avoided looking at the prisoners, who were all three fixedly gazing at him. Every new craze then in vogue among his set was alluded to in his speech; everything that then was, and some things that still are, considered to be the last words of scientific wisdom: the laws of heredity and inborn criminality, evolution and the struggle for existence, hypnotism and hypnotic influence.

他只停顿了一次,咽了好一阵唾沫,但立刻振作精神,更加口若悬河地说下去,来弥补这个间歇。他一会儿换一只脚站着,眼睛盯着陪审员,对他们曲意奉承;一会儿看看笔记本,声音平静而老练;一会儿又用慷慨激昂的语气控诉,身子忽而对着旁听者,忽而对着陪审员。只有那三个被告他一眼也不看,虽然他们都睁大眼睛望着他。他的演讲引用了当时在他们圈子里很流行的最 新理论。这种理论不仅当时很时髦,就是到今天也还是被看成学术上的新事物,其中包括遗传学、先天犯罪说、龙勃罗梭①、塔尔德②、进化论、生存竞争、催眠术、暗示说、沙尔科③、颓废论。





According to his definition, the merchant Smelkoff was of the genuine Russian type, and had perished in consequence of his generous, trusting nature, having fallen into the hands of deeply degraded individuals.


Simeon Kartinkin was the atavistic production of serfdom, a stupefied, ignorant, unprincipled man, who had not even any religion. Euphemia was his mistress, and a victim of heredity; all the signs of degeneration were noticeable in her. The chief wire-puller in this affair was Maslova, presenting the phenomenon of decadence in its lowest form.





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