

推动制造业升级和新兴产业发展。大幅增加制造业中长期贷 款。发展工业互联网,推进智能制造。电商网购、在线服务等新业态在抗疫中发挥了重要作用,要继续出台支持政策,全面推进“互联网+”,打造数字经济新优势。

We will encourage the upgrading of manufacturing and the growth of emerging industries.

We will markedly increase medium- and long-term loans to manufacturers. We will promote the industrial internet and boost smart manufacturing. New forms of business such as e-commerce, online shopping, and online services have played an important role during the COVID-19 response and more policies will be introduced in support of such businesses. We will advance Internet Plus initiatives across the board and create new competitive strengths in the digital economy.


We will boost our capacity to support technological innovation.

We will provide stable support for basic research and application-oriented basic research, and encourage enterprises to increase investment in R&D. We will accelerate the development of national laboratories, restructure the system of key national laboratories, and develop private R&D institutions. We will intensify international cooperation on science and technology. Intellectual property protection will be strengthened. We will introduce an open competition mechanism to select the best candidates to lead key research projects.

深入推进大众创业万众创新。发展创业投资,增加创业担保贷 款。深化新一轮全面创新改革试验,新建一批双创示范基地,坚持包容审慎监管,发展平台经济、共享经济,更大激发社会创造力。

We will continue to encourage business startups and innovation nationwide.

We will support the growth of venture capital investment and increase guaranteed loans for startups. To further unleash the creativity of various sectors, we will launch a new round of pilot reforms for making innovations across the board, build more innovation and entrepreneurship demo centers, continue accommodating and prudential regulation, and develop the platform economy and the sharing economy.



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