【HOT】文都教育2021考研万人大联考 6月13日即将开启
"Jesu sweetest, glorified of the Apostles, Jesu lauded by the martyrs, almighty Monarch, save me, Jesu my Saviour. Jesu, most beautiful, have mercy on him who cries to Thee, Saviour Jesu. Born of prayer Jesu, all thy saints, all thy prophets, save and find them worthy of the joys of heaven. Jesu, lover of men."
“至亲至爱的耶稣哇!使徒的荣耀,我的耶稣哇!殉道者的赞美,万 能的主耶稣哇!拯救我,我的救主耶稣,我的至美的耶稣,拯救找你的人,救主耶稣哇!饶恕我,全体圣徒,全体先知祷告中诞生的耶稣,我的救主耶稣哇!赐给我们天堂的快乐,爱人类的耶稣哇!”
Then he stopped, drew breath, crossed himself, bowed to the ground, and every one did the same--the inspector, the warders, the prisoners; and from above the clinking of the chains sounded more unintermittently. Then he continued: "Of angels the Creator and Lord of powers, Jesu most wonderful, the angels' amazement, Jesu most powerful, of our forefathers the Redeemer. Jesu sweetest, of patriarchs the praise. Jesu most glorious, of kings the strength. Jesu most good, of prophets the fulfilment. Jesu most amazing, of martyrs the strength. Jesu most humble, of monks the joy. Jesu most merciful, of priests the sweetness. Jesu most charitable, of the fasting the continence. Jesu most sweet, of the just the joy. Jesu most pure, of the celibates the chastity. Jesu before all ages of sinners the salvation. Jesu, son of God, have mercy on me."
“天使的创造者,万军之主,”他继续念道,“极顶神妙的耶稣,天使们的惊奇,万 能的耶稣,祖先的救主,至亲至爱的耶稣,族长们的赞美,极顶光荣的耶稣,皇帝的后盾,至善的耶稣,预言的实现,极顶奇妙的耶稣,殉道者的堡垒,极顶温和的耶稣,修士们的喜悦,极顶仁爱的耶稣,神父们的快乐,极顶仁慈的耶稣,苦斋徒的克制,极顶乐天的耶稣,圣徒们的欢乐,至洁的耶稣,童贞者的贞洁,万古永存的耶稣,罪人的救星,耶稣,上帝的儿子,饶恕我吧!”
Every time he repeated the word "Jesu" his voice became more and more wheezy. At last he came to a stop, and holding up his silk-lined cassock, and kneeling down on one knee, he stooped down to the ground and the choir began to sing, repeating the words, "Jesu, Son of God, have mercy on me," and the convicts fell down and rose again, shaking back the hair that was left on their heads, and rattling with the chains that were bruising their thin ankles.
This continued for a long time. First came the glorification, which ended with the words, "Have mercy on me." Then more glorifications, ending with "Alleluia!" And the convicts made the sign of the cross, and bowed, first at each sentence, then after every two and then after three, and all were very glad when the glorification ended, and the priest shut the book with a sigh of relief and retired behind the partition. One last act remained. The priest took a large, gilt cross, with enamel medallions at the ends, from a table, and came out into the centre of the church with it. First the inspector came up and kissed the cross, then the jailers, then the convicts, pushing and abusing each other in whispers. The priest, talking to the inspector, pushed the cross and his hand now against the mouths and now against the noses of the convicts, who were trying to kiss both the cross and the hand of the priest. And thus ended the Christian service, intended for the comfort and the teaching of these strayed brothers.