
【HOT】文都教育2021考研万人大联考 6月13日即将开启


The prison inspector and the warders, though they had never understood or gone into the meaning of these dogmas and of all that went on in church, believed that they must believe, because the higher authorities and the Tsar himself believed in it. Besides, though faintly (and themselves unable to explain why), they felt that this faith defended their cruel occupations. If this faith did not exist it would have been more difficult, perhaps impossible, for them to use all their powers to torment people, as they were now doing, with a quiet conscience. The inspector was such a kind-hearted man that he could not have lived as he was now living unsupported by his faith. Therefore, he stood motionless, bowed and crossed himself zealously, tried to feel touched when the song about the cherubims was being sung, and when the children received communion he lifted one of them, and held him up to the priest with his own hands.

至于典狱长和看守,他们虽然从来不知道也不研究教义和教堂里各种圣礼的意义,但却相信非有这样的信仰不可,因为最 高当局和沙皇本人都信奉它。除此以外,他们还感觉到这种信仰在为他们残酷的职务辩解,虽然这种感觉是隐隐约约的,因为他们自己也解释不清究竟是怎么一回事。要是没有这种信仰,恐怕很难甚至不可能象现在这样心安理得地拚命折磨人。典狱长天性善良,要不是从这种信仰中获得支持,他绝 对不可能这样生活下去。就因为有了这种支持,他才能俨然挺直身子站在那里,又是跪拜,又是画十字,听到大家唱“那些司智天使”,就情绪激动,而在给孩子们授圣餐时,就走上前去,亲手抱起一个领圣餐的孩子,把他举得高高的。

The great majority of the prisoners believed that there lay a mystic power in these gilt images, these vestments, candles, cups, crosses, and this repetition of incomprehensible words, "Jesu sweetest" and "have mercy"--a power through which might be obtained much convenience in this and in the future life. Only a few clearly saw the deception that was practised on the people who adhered to this faith, and laughed at it in their hearts; but the majority, having made several attempts to get the conveniences they desired, by means of prayers, masses, and candles, and not having got them (their prayers remaining unanswered), were each of them convinced that their want of success was accidental, and that this organisation, approved by the educated and by archbishops, is very important and necessary, if not for this, at any rate for the next life.

在犯人中间,只有少数几个看透这类玩意儿纯属骗局,用来愚弄这一类信徒,因此心里暗暗好笑。大多数人却相信,这种包金的圣像、蜡烛、金杯、法衣、十字架、反复叼念的“至亲至爱的耶稣”和“饶恕吧”,都蕴藏着神秘的力量,依靠这种力量就可以在今世和来世得到许多好处。虽然多数人都做过一些尝试,想借助于祈求、祷告、蜡烛,在今世得到好处,结果却一无所得,他们的祷告也没有如愿,但大家还是坚信,失败是偶然的,这一套做法既然得到有学问的人和总主教的赞同,总是很有 道理的。即使对今世没有作用,对来世也一定会起作用。

Maslova also believed in this way. She felt, like the rest, a mixed sensation of piety and dulness. She stood at first in a crowd behind a railing, so that she could see no one but her companions; but when those to receive communion moved on, she and Theodosia stepped to the front, and they saw the inspector, and, behind him, standing among the warders, a little peasant, with a very light beard and fair hair. This was Theodosia's husband, and he was gazing with fixed eyes at his wife. During the acathistus Maslova occupied herself in scrutinising him and talking to Theodosia in whispers, and bowed and made the sign of the cross only when every one else did.

