2021考研英语双语阅读: 陀思妥耶夫斯基的经典英文小说《罪与罚》。每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从罪与罚 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。
【HOT】文都教育2021考研万人大联考 6月13日即将开启
"No," mumbled Raskolnikov, looking away, but feeling that it was better to keep up the conversation.
"She isn't, is she?" cried Razumihin, delighted to get an answer out of him. "But she is not very clever either, eh? She is essentially, essentially an unaccountable character! I am sometimes quite at a loss, I assure you. . . . She must be forty; she says she is thirty- six, and of course she has every right to say so. But I swear I judge her intellectually, simply from the metaphysical point of view; there is a sort of symbolism sprung up between us, a sort of algebra or what not! I don't understand it! Well, that's all nonsense. Only, seeing that you are not a student now and have lost your lessons and your clothes, and that through the young lady's death she has no need to treat you as a relation, she suddenly took fright; and as you hid in your den and dropped all your old relations with her, she planned to get rid of you. And she's been cherishing that design a long time, but was sorry to lose the I O U, for you assured her yourself that your mother would pay."
"It was base of me to say that. . . . My mother herself is almost a beggar . . . and I told a lie to keep my lodging . . . and be fed," Raskolnikov said loudly and distinctly.
"Yes, you did very sensibly. But the worst of it is that at that point Mr. Tchebarov turns up, a business man. Pashenka would never have thought of doing anything on her own account, she is too retiring; but the business man is by no means retiring, and first thing he puts the question, 'Is there any hope of realising the I O U?' Answer: there is, because he has a mother who would save her Rodya with her hundred and twenty-five roubles pension, if she has to starve herself; and a sister, too, who would go into bondage for his sake. That's what he was building upon. . . . Why do you start? I know all the ins and outs of your affairs now, my dear boy--it's not for nothing that you were so open with Pashenka when you were her prospective son-in-law, and I say all this as a friend. . . . But I tell you what it is; an honest and sensitive man is open; and a business man 'listens and goes on eating' you up. Well, then she gave the I O U by way of payment to this Tchebarov, and without hesitation he made a formal demand for payment. When I heard of all this I wanted to blow him up, too, to clear my conscience, but by that time harmony reigned between me and Pashenka, and I insisted on stopping the whole affair, engaging that you would pay. I went security for you, brother. Do you understand? We called Tchebarov, flung him ten roubles and got the I O U back from him, and here I have the honour of presenting it to you. She trusts your word now. Here, take it, you see I have torn it."
“对,这你做得很有 道理。不过全部问题在于,这时突然杀出个七等文官切巴罗夫先生来,这是个精明能干的人。没有他,帕申卡什么诡计也想不出来,她太腼腆了;而精明能干的人却厚颜无耻,首先他自然会提出这样一个问题:凭这张借据,有没有希望拿到钱?回答是:有,因为他有这样一个妈妈,即使她自己饿着,也会从她那一百二十五卢布①养老金里拿出钱来接济罗坚卡,而且他还有这样一个妹妹,为了哥哥,肯去作奴隶。他的阴谋诡计就建立在这一点上……你吃惊了?老兄,现在你的全部底细我都摸清了,帕申卡还把你看作亲戚的时候,你对她开诚布公,把什么都告诉了她,那些话可没白说,现在我跟你说这些,是因为我把你当作朋友……问题就在这里了:正直而爱动感情的人开诚布公,精明能干的人却边听边吃,然后统统吃掉②。这不是,现在她把这张借据让给了这个切巴罗夫,似乎是用来抵帐,而他却恬不知耻地正式向你讨债。我一了解到这些情况,为了免受良心责备,本想也出出气,可是这时候我和帕申卡之间达成了协议,我担保你一定还钱,要求从根本上了结这个案子。我为你担保,老兄,你听到吗?我们把切巴罗夫叫了来,塞给他十个卢布,收回了借据,喏,我很荣幸能把它交给你,——现在她相信你了——请拿去吧,我已经把它撕得粉碎了。”