


America's nightmare

As the Democratic nominee,the senator from Vermont would present America with a terrible choice(11)



A presidency in which Mr. Sanders travelled around the country,holding rallies for a far-left programme that he couldn't get through Congress would widen America's divisions. It would frustrate his supporters,because the president's policies would be stymied by Congress or the courts. On the right,which has long been fed a diet of socialist in the White House would generate even greater fury. Mr. Sanders would let the proposition that partisanship cannot get more bitter.


1.far-left adj. 极左的

2.division n. 分歧

3.frustrate vt. 使…感到沮丧

4.stymie v. 阻拦

5.fury n. 愤怒

6.partisanship n. 党派性,党派偏见


如果桑德斯在担任总统时全国巡游、举行集会,以让那些本来在国会无法获得通过的方案获得支持,这将加深美国社会的分裂。这会让桑德斯的支持者感到沮丧,因为总统的政策会被国会或最 高法院阻拦。对社会主义者不感冒的右派来说,桑德斯入住白宫将会引发更大的愤怒,桑德斯的竞选考验美国党派分歧到达崩溃的边缘。
