


【今日长难句】That crisis deepened with the 2008 recession. At first, mail volumes remained high in the early 2000s, even amid the rise of the internet, but the economy took a steep downturn, dealing a huge blow to the advertising mail that makes up the United States Postal Service(USPS)’s bread and butter. Overall mail volumes fell by about a third over the following decade, and because the agency doesn’t receive any taxpayer money, the decline placed it in uncharted financial waters.

【词汇突破】deepened 加剧recession 衰退deal a huge blow to : 对…造成巨大的打击bread and butter:比喻:维持生计的东西(主食)Overall mail volumes:邮件总量taxpayer money:纳税人的钱=政府支持place A in B:把A置于B中uncharted:未知的 financial waters:财务状况


