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经典名句-英文:It’s not okay to hate anybody.



I told him in detail about our trip to church with Calpurnia. Atticus seemed to enjoy it,but Aunt Alexandra, who was sitting in a corner quietly sewing, put down her embroideryand stared at us.


“You all were coming back from Calpurnia’s church that Sunday?”


Jem said, “Yessum, she took us.”


I remembered something. “Yessum, and she promised me I could come out to herhouse some afternoon. Atticus. I’ll go next Sunday if it’s all right, can I? Cal said she’dcome get me if you were off in the car.”


“You may not.”


Aunt Alexandra said it. I wheeled around, startled, then turned back to Atticus in timeto catch his swift glance at her, but it was too late. I said, “I didn’t ask you!”


For a big man, Atticus could get up and down from a chair faster than anyone I everknew. He was on his feet. “Apologize to your aunt,” he said.


“I didn’t ask her, I asked you—”


Atticus turned his head and pinned me to the wall with his good eye. His voice wasdeadly: “First, apologize to your aunt.”


“I’m sorry, Aunty,” I muttered.


“Now then,” he said. “Let’s get this clear: you do as Calpurnia tells you, you do as I tellyou, and as long as your aunt’s in this house, you will do as she tells you. Understand?”


I understood, pondered a while, and concluded that the only way I could retire with ashred of dignity was to go to the bathroom, where I stayed long enough to make themthink I had to go. Returning, I lingered in the hall to hear a fierce discussion going on inthe livingroom. Through the door I could see Jem on the sofa with a football magazine infront of his face, his head turning as if its pages contained a live tennis match.






