2021考研,英语阅读怎么训练自己才能得到?从考研英语文章阅读开始吧,KK给大家的每日一句里提到了不少名著句段,咱们今天就开始从杀死一只知更鸟 开始读起吧,每天阅读一小段,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。


“All right, now to what happened. You said Tom Robinson was behind you in the roomwhen you turned around, that right?”


“You said he ‘got you around the neck cussing and saying dirt’—is that right?”

“It’s right.”





Atticus’s memory had suddenly become accurate. “You say ‘he caught me andchoked me and took advantage of me’—is that right?”

“That’s what I said.”

“Do you remember him beating you about the face?”

The witness hesitated.





“You seem sure enough that he choked you. All this time you were fighting back,remember? You ‘kicked and hollered as loud as you could.’ Do you remember himbeating you about the face?”


Mayella was silent. She seemed to be trying to get something clear to herself. Ithought for a moment she was doing Mr. Heck Tate’s and my trick of pretending therewas a person in front of us. She glanced at Mr. Gilmer.


“It’s an easy question, Miss Mayella, so I’ll try again. Do you remember him beatingyou about the face?” Atticus’s voice had lost its comfortableness; he was speaking in hisarid, detached professional voice. “Do you remember him beating you about the face?”


“No, I don’t recollect if he hit me. I mean yes I do, he hit me.”

“Was your last sentence your answer?”

“Huh? Yes, he hit—I just don’t remember, I just don’t remember… it all happened soquick.”




Judge Taylor looked sternly at Mayella. “Don’t you cry, young woman—” he began,but Atticus said, “Let her cry if she wants to, Judge. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

Mayella sniffed wrathfully and looked at Atticus. “I’ll answer any question you got—getme up here an‘ mock me, will you? I’ll answer any question you got—”








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